释义 |
-chrome(word root) colorExamples of words with the root -chrome: polychrome-chromesuff.1. Colored: polychrome.2. Color; pigment: urochrome. [From Greek khrōma, color.]-chrome adj combining form, n combining formcolour, coloured, or pigment: monochrome. [from Greek khrōma colour]chrome (kroʊm) n., v. chromed, chrom•ing. n. 1. (not in technical use) chromium (def. 1). 2. chromium-plated or other bright metallic trim, as on an automobile. 3. (in dyeing) the dichromate of potassium or sodium. v.t. 4. to plate, dye, or treat with a compound of chromium. [< French (1797): chromium < Greek chrôma color; so called from the brightly colored compounds in which it was found] -chrome a combining form meaning “pigment”: lipochrome; phytochrome. [< Greek chrôma color] EncyclopediaSeechrome-chrome
-chrome (krōm), A suffix indicating relationship to color. [G. chrŏma color] -chrome A suffix indicating relationship to color. [G. chrōma, color] |