Dasa Laksana Parvan
Dasa Laksana Parvan (Time of the Ten Characteristics)
This festival usually falls during the latter part of the rainy season, and it may last 10 days instead of eight. Scripture readings focus on different portions of the holy text describing the 10 characteristics to which Jains aspire: forbearance, gentleness, uprightness, purity, truth, restraint, austerity, renunciation, lack of possession, and chastity. The Svetambara, or "white-clad," Jains—the dominant sect in northern India, which believes that monks and images of the Jinas should be clothed—observe a similar festival, known as Paryushana, just before Dasa Laksana Paryan begins.
OxDictWrldRel-1997, p. 487
RelHolCal-2004, p. 196