Acronym | Definition |
DASA➣Deutsche Arbeitsschutzausstellung (German occupational safety exhibition) |
DASA➣Division of Alcohol and Substance Abuse |
DASA➣Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army |
DASA➣Deutsche Aerospace |
DASA➣Daimler-Benz Aerospace AG (German Company) |
DASA➣Dépendants Affectifs et Sexuels Anonymes (French: Emotional and Sexual Addicts Anonymous) |
DASA➣Dignity for All Students Act (New York) |
DASA➣Defense Atomic Support Agency |
DASA➣Développement Animation Sud Auvergne (French development association) |
DASA➣Department of Alcohol and Substance Abuse |
DASA➣Department of the Army (DA) Staff Agencies (US DoD) |
DASA➣Demographic and Social Analysis (University of California, Irvine) |
DASA➣Dental Association of South Africa |
DASA➣Dependent Activity Scheduling Algorithm |
DASA➣Demand Assigned Single Access |
DASA➣DSCS Automatic Spectrum Analyzer |
DASA➣Dairy Authority of South Australia |
DASA➣Delaware African Students Association (University of Delaware) |
DASA➣distal articular set angle |
DASA➣Dual Aerosurface Servo Amplifier |
DASA➣Davinci Academy of Science and the Arts (Ogden, Utah USA) |
DASA➣David Albert Samuel Albert (Spa Therapies, San Antonio, Texas) |
DASA➣Days After Straw Application |
DASA➣Durango Adaptive Sports Association (Durango, Colorado) |
DASA➣Division Artillery Support Area |
DASA➣Double-Action Shock Absorber |
DASA➣Dakota Association of South Africa (aircraft fan club) |
DASA➣Data for Structural Analysis |