darwinian tubercle

au·ric·u·lar tu·ber·cle

[TA] a small inconstant projection from the upper end of the posterior portion of the incurved free margin of the helix of the auricle. Synonym(s): tuberculum auriculae [TA], darwinian tubercle, tuberculum superius

au·ric·u·lar tu·ber·cle

(awr-ik'yū-lăr tū'bĕr-kĕl) [TA] A small projection from the upper end of the posterior portion of the incurved free margin of the helix.
Synonym(s): darwinian tubercle.


Charles R., English biologist and evolutionist, 1809-1882. darwinian ear - an auricle in which the upper border is not rolled over to form the helix, but projects upward as a flat, sharp edge.darwinian reflex - the tendency of young infants to grasp a bar and hang suspended.darwinian theory - the theory of the origin of species and of the development of higher organisms from lower forms through natural selection.darwinian tubercle - a small projection from the upper end of the posterior portion of the incurved free margin of the helix. Synonym(s): auricular tubercle