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Cowdry type A inclusion bodies Cow·dry type A in·clu·sion bod·ies (kow'drē), dropletlike masses of acidophilic material surrounded by clear halos within nuclei, with margination of chromatin on the nuclear membrane as seen in human herpesvirus-infected cells.Cow·dry type A in·clu·sion bo·dies (kow'drē tīp in-klū'zhŭn bod'ēz) Dropletlike masses of acidophilic material surrounded by clear halos within nuclei, with margination of chromatin on the nuclear membrane as seen in human herpesvirus-infected cells. Cowdry, Edmund Vincent, U.S. cytologist, 1888-1975. Cowdry type A inclusion bodies - droplet-like masses of acidophilic material surrounded by clear halos within nuclei, with margination of chromatin on the nuclear membrane.Cowdry type B inclusion bodies - droplet-like masses of acidophilic material surrounded by clear halos within nuclei, without other nuclear changes during early stages of development of the inclusion. |