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chromaffinopathy chro·maf·fin·op·a·thy (krō'maf-in-op'ă-thē), Obsolete term for any pathologic condition of chromaffin tissue, as in the medullae of adrenal glands or the organs of Zuckerkandl. [chromaffin + G. pathos, suffering] chro·maf·fin·op·a·thy (krō-maf'in-op'ă-thē) Any pathologic condition of chromaffin tissue, as in the medulla of suprarenal gland or the organs of Zuckerkandl. [chromaffin + G. pathos, suffering]chromaffinopathy (krō″măf-ĭn-ŏp′ă-thē) [″ + ″ + Gr. pathos, disease] Any disease of chromaffin tissue. |