

单词 energy management
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energy management

energy management

[′en·ər·jē ‚man·ij·mənt] (aerospace engineering) In rocketry, the monitoring of the expenditure of fuel for flight control and navigation.

energy management


 [man´ij-ment] the process of controlling how something is done or used.acid-base management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as the promotion of acid-base balance" >acid-base balance and prevention of complications resulting from acid-base imbalance.acid-base management: metabolic acidosis in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as the promotion of acid-base balance and prevention of complications resulting from serum bicarbonate levels lower than desired. See also acidosis" >metabolic acidosis.acid-base management: metabolic alkalosis in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as the promotion of acid-base balance and prevention of complications resulting from serum bicarbonate levels higher than desired. See also metabolic alkalosis.acid-base management: respiratory acidosis in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as the promotion of acid-base balance and prevention of complications resulting from serum pCO2 levels higher than desired. See also acidosis" >respiratory acidosis.acid-base management: respiratory alkalosis in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as the promotion of acid-base balance and prevention of complications resulting from serum pCO2 levels lower than desired. See also respiratory alkalosis.airway management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as insertion or assisting with insertion and stabilization of an artificial airway" >airway. See also management" >artificial airway management.allergy management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as the identification, treatment, and prevention of allergic responses to food, medications, insect bites, contrast material, blood or other substances.anaphylaxis management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as the promotion of adequate ventilation and tissue perfusion for a patient with severe allergic (antigen-antibody) reaction.artificial airway management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as the maintenance of endotracheal and tracheostomy tubes and preventing complications associated with their use. See also management" >airway management.behavior management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as helping a patient to manage negative behavior" >behavior.behavior management: overactivity/inattention in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as the provision of a therapeutic milieu which safely accommodates the patient's attention deficit and/or overactivity while promoting optimal function.behavior management: self-harm in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as assisting the patient to decrease or eliminate self-mutilating or self-abusive behavior.behavior management: sexual in the nursing interventions classification, a nursing intervention defined as delineation and prevention of socially unacceptable sexual behaviors.bowel management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as establishment and maintenance of a regular pattern of bowel elimination.case management 1. an approach to health care delivery that focuses on the complex needs of the patient and emphasizes the coordination and prioritization of all needed services. See also manager" >case manager.2. in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as coordinating care and advocating for specified individuals and patient populations across settings to reduce cost, reduce resource use, improve quality of health care, and achieve desired outcomes.case management (omaha) in the omaha system, an intervention on the first level of the intervention scheme, defined as nursing activities of coordination, advocacy, and referral that involve facilitating service delivery on behalf of the client, communicating with health and human services providers, promoting assertive client communication, and guiding the client toward use of appropriate community resources.cerebral edema management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as limitation of secondary cerebral injury resulting from swelling of brain tissue. See also edema" >cerebral edema.chemotherapy management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as assisting the patient and family to understand the action and minimize side effects of chemotherapy" >chemotherapy with antineoplastic agents.code management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as coordination of emergency measures to sustain life.communicable disease management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as working with a community to decrease and manage the incidence and prevalence of contagious diseases in a specific population.constipation/impaction management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as the prevention and alleviation of constipation" >constipation and fecal impaction" >fecal impaction.delirium management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as provision of a safe and therapeutic environment for the patient who is experiencing an acute confusional state; see also delirium.delusion management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as promoting the comfort, safety, and reality orientation of a patient experiencing false, fixed beliefs that have little or no basis in reality. See also delusion" >delusion.dementia management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as provision of a modified environment for the patient who is experiencing a chronic confusional state; see also dementia.diarrhea management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as the prevention and alleviation of diarrhea" >diarrhea.dysreflexia management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as prevention and elimination of stimuli that cause hyperactive reflexes and inappropriate autonomic responses in a patient with a cervial or high thoracic cord lesion. See also dysreflexia.dysrhythmia management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as preventing, recognizing, and facilitating treatment of abnormal cardiac rhythms. See also dysrhythmia.eating disorders management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as prevention and treatment of severe diet restriction and overexercising or bingeing and purging of food and fluids. See also eating disorder.electrolyte management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as promotion of electrolyte" >electrolyte balance and prevention of complications resulting from abnormal or undesired serum electrolyte levels.electrolyte management: hypercalcemia in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as promotion of calcium balance and prevention of complications resulting from serum calcium levels higher than desirable. See also hypercalcemia" >hypercalcemia.electrolyte management: hyperkalemia in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as promotion of potassium balance and prevention of complications resulting from serum potassium levels higher than desirable. See also hyperkalemia" >hyperkalemia.electrolyte management: hypermagnesemia in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as promotion of magnesium balance and prevention of complications resulting from serum magnesium levels higher than desirable. See also hypermagnesemia" >hypermagnesemia.electrolyte management: hypernatremia in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as promotion of sodium balance and prevention of complications resulting from serum sodium levels higher than desirable. See also hypernatremia" >hypernatremia.electrolyte management: hyperphosphatemia in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as promotion of phosphate balance and prevention of complications resulting from serum phosphate levels higher than desirable. See also hyperphosphatemia" >hyperphosphatemia.electrolyte management: hypocalcemia in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as promotion of calcium balance and prevention of complications resulting from serum calcium levels lower than desirable. See also hypocalcemia" >hypocalcemia.electrolyte management: hypokalemia in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as promotion of potassium balance and prevention of complications resulting from serum potassium levels lower than desirable. See also hypokalemia" >hypokalemia.electrolyte management: hypomagnesemia in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as promotion of magnesium balance and prevention of complications resulting from serum magnesium levels lower than desirable. See also hypomagnesemia" >hypomagnesemia.electrolyte management: hyponatremia in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as promotion of sodium balance and prevention of complications resulting from serum sodium levels lower than desirable. See also hyponatremia" >hyponatremia.electrolyte management: hypophosphatemia in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as promotion of phosphate balance and prevention of complications resulting from serum phosphate levels lower than desirable. See also hypophosphatemia" >hypophosphatemia.energy management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as regulating energy use to treat or prevent fatigue and optimize function.environmental management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as manipulation of the patient's surroundings for therapeutic benefit.environmental management: attachment process in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as manipulation of the patient's surroundings to facilitate the development of the parent-infant relationship.environmental management: comfort in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as manipulation of the patient's surroundings for promotion of optimal comfort.environmental management: community in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as monitoring and influencing of the physical, social, cultural, economic, and political conditions that affect the health of groups and communities.environmental management: home preparation in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as preparing the home for safe and effective delivery of care.environmental management: safety in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as monitoring and manipulation of the physical environment to promote safety.environmental management: violence prevention in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as monitoring and manipulation of the physical environment to decrease the potential for violent behavior directed toward self, others, or environment.environmental management: worker safety in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as monitoring and manipulation of the worksite environment to promote safety and health of workers.fiscal resource management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as procuring and directing the use of financial resources to assure the development and continuation of programs and services.fluid management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as the promotion of fluid balance and prevention of complications resulting from abnormal or undesired fluid levels.fluid/electrolyte management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as the regulation and prevention of complications from altered fluid and/or electrolyte levels.hallucination management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as promoting the safety, comfort, and reality orientation of a patient experiencing hallucinations" >hallucinations.hyperglycemia management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as preventing and treating above-normal glucose levels. See also hyperglycemia" >hyperglycemia.hypervolemia management in the nursing interventions classification, a nursing intervention defined as the reduction in extracellular and/or intracellular fluid volume and prevention of complications in a patient who is fluid overloaded. See also hypervolemia" >hypervolemia.hypoglycemia management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as preventing and treating low blood glucose levels. See also hypoglycemia.hypovolemia management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as the expansion of intravascular fluid volume in a patient whose volume is depleted. See also hypovolemia.immunization/vaccination management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as monitoring immunization status, facilitating access to immunizations, and provision of immunizations to prevent communicable disease.ineffective community therapeutic regimen management a nursing diagnosis accepted by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, defined as a pattern of regulating and integrating into community processes of programs for treatment of illness and the sequelae of illness that are unsatisfactory for meeting health-related goals.ineffective family therapeutic regimen management a nursing diagnosis accepted by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, defined as a pattern of regulating and integrating into family processes of a program for treatment of illness and its sequelae that is unsatisfactory for meeting specific health goals for a family member.ineffective therapeutic regimen management a nursing diagnosis accepted by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, defined as a pattern of regulation and integration into daily living of a treatment program for illness and its sequelae that is unsatisfactory for meeting specific health goals.medication management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as facilitation of safe and effective use of prescription and over-the-counter drugs.mood management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as providing for safety and stabilization of a patient who is experiencing a dysfunctionally depressed mood" >mood or elevated mood.nausea management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as prevention and alleviation of nausea.nutrition management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as assisting with or providing a balanced dietary intake of foods and fluids.pain management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as alleviation of pain" >pain or a reduction in pain to a level of comfort that is acceptable to the patient.peripheral sensation management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as prevention or minimization of injury or discomfort in the patient with altered sensation.pessary management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as placement and monitoring of a vaginal device for treating stress urinary incontinence, uterine retroversion, genital prolapse, or incompetent cervix. See also pessary.pressure management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as minimizing pressure to body parts.program management a system of care" >health care delivery in an institution or agency whereby staff are divided by broad patient categories rather than by professional groups.pruritus management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as preventing and treating itching.radiation therapy management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as assisting the patient to understand and minimize the side effects of radiation treatments. See also radiation therapy" >radiation therapy.rectal prolapse management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as the prevention and/or manual reduction of prolapse" >rectal prolapse.reproductive technology management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as assisting a patient through the steps of complex infertility treatment.risk management the assessment and removal or control of hazard to patients, employees, or institutions.seizure management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as care of a patient during a seizure" >seizure and the postictal state.shock management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as facilitation of the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to systemic tissue with removal of cellular waste products in a patient with severely altered tissue perfusion. See also shock.shock management: cardiac in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as the promotion of adequate tissue perfusion for a patient with severely compromised pumping function of the heart.shock management: vasogenic in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as the promotion of adequate tissue perfusion for a patient with severe loss of vascular tone.shock management: volume in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as the promotion of adequate tissue perfusion for a patient with severely compromised intravascular volume. See also shock" >hypovolemic shock.specimen management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as obtaining, preparing, and preserving a specimen for a laboratory test.stress management in the omaha system, physical and emotional activities that immunize the body from known stressors.supply management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as ensuring acquisition and maintenance of appropriate items for providing care.technology management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as the use of technical equipment and devices to monitor patient condition or sustain life.time management the effective planning and balancing of activities such as self-care, work, leisure, and rest in order to promote satisfaction and health.unilateral neglect management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as protecting and safely reintegrating the affected part of the body while helping the patient adapt to disturbed perceptual abilities. See also neglect" >unilateral neglect.urinary elimination management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as the maintenance of an optimum urinary elimination pattern. See also urination" >urination.vomiting management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as prevention and alleviation of vomiting.weight management in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as facilitating maintenance of optimal weight and percent body fat.




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