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DictionarySeepemphigoidbenign mucosal pemphigoid
pemphigoid [pem´f
ĭ-goid] 1. resembling pemphigus.2. any of a group of skin disorders similar to but clearly distinguishable from pemphigus.benign mucosal pemphigoid a chronic bullous disease of elderly persons, involving primarily the mucous membranes, particularly the conjunctiva and oral mucosa, with scarring.bullous pemphigoid a usually mild, relatively benign, self-limited blistering skin disease, predominantly affecting elderly persons. IgE antibodies are found at the basement membrane.localized chronic pemphigoid a form in which bulla formation is confined for many years to a circumscribed region, with scarring but without affecting the mucous membranes.oc·u·lar cic·a·tri·cial pem·phi·goid [MIM*164185] a chronic disease that produces adhesions and progressive cicatrization and shrinkage of the conjunctival, oral, and vaginal mucous membranes. Synonym(s): benign mucosal pemphigoid, ocular pemphigoid |