释义 |
benign lymphocytoma cutis be·nign lym·pho·cy·to·ma cu·tisa soft red to violaceous skin nodule often involving the head, caused by dense infiltration of the dermis by lymphocytes and histiocytes, often forming lymphoid follicles, separated from the epidermis by a narrow noninfiltrating layer. Synonym(s): cutaneous pseudolymphoma, Spiegler-Fendt sarcoidbe·nign lym·pho·cy·to·ma cu·tis (bĕ-nīn' lim'fō-sī-tō'mă kyū'tis) A soft red to violaceous skin nodule caused by dense infiltration of the dermis by lymphocytes and histiocytes. Synonym(s): cutaneous pseudolymphoma. Spiegler, Eduard, Austrian dermatologist, 1860-1908. Ancell-Spiegler cylindroma - Synonym(s): Brooke disease (1)Ancell-Spiegler syndrome - Synonym(s): Brooke disease (1)Spiegler-Fendt pseudolymphoma - a soft red to violaceous skin nodule often involving the head, caused by dense infiltration of the dermis by lymphocytes and histiocytes. Synonym(s): benign lymphocytoma cutis; Spiegler-Fendt sarcoidSpiegler-Fendt sarcoid - Synonym(s): Spiegler-Fendt pseudolymphoma |