Carducho, Vicente

Carducho, Vicente


(also V. Carducci). Born 1578, in Florence, Italy; died 1638, in Madrid. Spanish painter and art theorist. Of Italian origin.

Together with Bartolomé Carducho, his brother and teacher, V. Carducho arrived in Spain in 1585, where he was a court painter from 1609 on. His work belongs to the transitional style between late Renaissance and baroque. It is marked by cold theatricality and eclecticism (the cycle of paintings on subjects from the history of the Cartesian Order, 1626–32; some of which are in the Prado in Madrid). Carducho’s more valuable legacy was as an important historian and theorist of the aesthetics of mannerism.


Diálogos de la pintura. Madrid, 1633. (New edition, Madrid, 1865.)