amyoplasia congenita


 [ah-mi″o-pla´zhah] lack of muscle formation or development.amyoplasia conge´nita generalized lack in the newborn of muscular development and growth, with contracture and deformity at most joints.

ar·thro·gry·po·sis mul·'ti·plex con·gen·'i·ta

[MIM*108110] limitation of range of joint motion and contractures present at birth, usually involving multiple joints; a syndrome probably of diverse etiology that may result from changes in spinal cord, muscle, or connective tissue. Several forms exist, autosomal dominant [MIM*108110, 108120, 108130, 108140, 108145, 108200], recessive [MIM*208080, 208081, 208085, 208100, 208150, 208155, 208200], and X-linked [MIM*301830] Synonym(s): amyoplasia congenita

arthrogryposis multiplex congenita

A rare sporadic condition characterised by joint contractures, dislocations, rigid skeletal deformities (e.g., clubfoot or talipes equinovarus), skin atrophy and replacement of limb muscles with fibrous tissue. AMC is not a sui generis disease, but rather a descriptive term that signifies multiple congenital contractures. The aetiologies encompass both neurogenic and primary myopathic diseases, but most cases are not due to neuromuscular disease.
Uncertain; a common link may be intrauterine movement during a critical period of limb development.