释义 |
bor (bɔː) ndialect East Anglian a neighbourBor
Bor a town in Gorky Oblast, RSFSR, located on the left bank of the Volga across from the city of Gorky, to which it is connected by a highway bridge (since 1965). There is a railroad station called Mokhovye Gory. Population, 51,000 (1969). Industry consists of ship repairing, the production of ship and port equipment, glass manufacture (including window panes, shaped glass, and glass for the automotive industry), silicate production, metal rolling, machine repair, auto repair, shop equipment and business machine building, furniture manufacture, felt making, fulling and boot making, primary wool processing, and garment ornamenting. A large number of Bor’s enterprises are connected with plants in the city of Gorky. Bor has an evening industrial technicum, a school of culture and enlightenment, and a workers’ resort. Bor has been known since the 14th century and has been a town since 1938. REFERENCETrabe, L. L. Nashi goroda. Gorky, 1954.
bor Words starting with bor:- Bor
- Bora (disambiguation)
- Borabora
- Boracite
- borages
- Borago
- Boral Limited
- Boraras
- Borassus flabellifer
- boratedly
- Borax bead test
- borborygmal
- Bordatella
- Bordeaux wine
- bordelaise
- Bordem
- border
- Border Cargo Selectivity
- Border control agent
- border district
- Border line personality
- border on or upon
- Border Reivers
- border structure
- Border Zone
- Bordercollie
- bordered on
- bordering on
- borderline
- borderline leprosy
- borderline schizophrenia
- Borders (Scottish region)
- Bordet
- Bordetella avium
- bordetellas
- Bordo
- Bordure compone
- bore a relationship
- bore comparison
- bor-
- Bora Bora
- Borachio
- Boracous
- Boragewort
- Borago officinalis
- Boramez
- Boras
- Borat
- Borates
- Borazon
- borborygmi
- Bord service
- Bordeaux
- Bordeaux wines
- Bordelaise sauce
- Borden
- Border (disambiguation)
- Border city
- border crosser
- Border Incident
- Border Minstrel
- border patrol
- border seal
- border structures
- Border, Allan (Robert)
- bordereau
- borderedly
- borderingly
- Borderline (disambiguation)
- Borderline personality
- Borderline syndrome
- borders on
- Bordet and Gengou reaction
- Bordetella bronchiseptica
- Bordèu
- Bordom
- bordures
- bore a resemblance
- bore down
- Bor.
- Bora, Katharina von
- Borachte
- borage
- Boraginaceae
- Borah Peak
- Boran
- Borås
- borate
- Borating
- Borbon
- borborygmic
- Borda
- Bordeaux (wine)
- Bordeaux, France
- Bordeller
- Borden Gail
- Border Area (Western Sahara)
- Border collie
- border disease
- Border land
- border molding
- border patrolman
- Border state
- Border terrier
- border, posterior position
- Bordereaus
- borderer
- borderland
- Borderline (psychiatry)
- borderline personality (disorder)
- borderlines
- Borders Region
- Bordet, Jules
- Bordetella infections
- Bordland
- Bordrag
- bore
- bore a similarity
- bore down on
- bora
- Borabadur
- boracic
- borage family
- Boraginaceous
- borak
- borane
- Borås, Sweden
- Borate Mineral
- borax
- Borbón
- Borborygms
- Bordage
- Bordeaux mixture
- Bordel
- bordello
- Borden Lizzie Andrew
- Border Barb
- Border Collier
- border disease virus (BDV)
- Border Leicester
- border movement
- border raid
- Border States
- Border terriers
- Border, the
- bordereaux
- borderers
- Borderlands
- borderline hypertension
- borderline personality disorder
- borders
- Borders Regional Council
- Bordet-Gengou phenomenon
- Bordetella parapertussis
- Bordlode
- bordraging
- bore a hand
- bore bit
- bore fruit
- Borá
- Borable
- boracic acid
- borage oil
- Boragineous
- Boral
- Boranes
- Borassus
- borated
- Borax bead
- Borborygm
- borborygmus
- Bordar
- Bordeaux style bottle
- Bordelais
- bordellos
- Borden Robert Laird
- border break
- Border collies
- Border dispute
- Border Leicesters
- border on
- border ray
- border stone
- Border town
- border-line case
- bordered
- bordering
- borderless
- borderline intelligence
- BorderLine Personality Disorders
- Borders (local government region of Scotland)
- Bordes
- bordetella
- Bordetella pertussis
- Bordman
- bordure
- bore a relation
- bore company
- Bore hole
There were more than 200 results. Only first 200 results are shown.BOR
BORAbbreviation for branchio-oto-renal.EYA1 A gene on chromosome 8q13.3 that encodes an eyes absent (EYA) family protein, which may play a role in the developing kidney, branchial arches, eyes and ears. Molecular pathology EYA1 mutations are linked to branchiootorenal (BOR) syndrome, branchiootic syndrome, and sporadic cases of congenital cataracts and ocular anterior segment defects.BOR
Acronym | Definition |
BOR➣Board of Representatives (various organizations) | BOR➣Borough | BOR➣Board Of Regents | BOR➣Bureau Of Reclamation | BOR➣Board of Realtors (various locations) | BOR➣Bill of Rights | BOR➣Beginning of Recording (data storage) | BOR➣Board Of Review | BOR➣Biology Of Reproduction (journal) | BOR➣Borealis | BOR➣Bill O'Reilly (Fox news host) | BOR➣Bed Occupancy Rate (hospitals) | BOR➣Biserica Ortodoxa Romana (Romanian: Romanian Orthodox Church) | BOR➣Beats of Rage (video game) | BOR➣Burnt Orange Report (political blog; Texas) | BOR➣Buckets of Rain | BOR➣Brown-Out Reset (microcontrollers, PIC) | BOR➣Business Object Repository (SAP tehnical infrastructure) | BOR➣Broker Of Record | BOR➣Branchiootorenal | BOR➣Bid on Repairs (construction) | BOR➣Basic Output Report | BOR➣Bodies Of Revolution | BOR➣Bunkers on Redelivery (shipping) | BOR➣Bill of Resources | BOR➣Basis of Review | BOR➣British Other Rank (military rank; UK) | BOR➣Budget OPTAR (Operating/Operational Target) Report | BOR➣BMW (Bayerische Motoren Werke) Oracle Racing (sailing competition) | BOR➣Base of Riser (fire sprinklers) | BOR➣Break of Reality (band) | BOR➣Battery Operations Room (Australia) | BOR➣Blessing of Replenishment (gaming) | BOR➣Biuro Ochrony Rzadu (Polish Secret Service) | BOR➣Back of Room Sales | BOR➣Blood of Ro | BOR➣Back Order Reconciliation | BOR➣Bandwidth on Request | BOR➣Battalion Orderly Room (Canadian Armed Forces) | BOR➣Breach of Rule (legal) | BOR➣Base of the Ramp (USAF Academy) | BOR➣Burnout Risk | BOR➣Ban on Religion (newsgroup usage) | BOR➣Business Operations Review |