Cardoso, Onelio Jorge

Cardoso, Onelio Jorge


Born May 11, 1914, in Calabazar de Sagua, Las Villas province. Cuban writer.

Cardoso writes short stories distinguished by a colloquial idiom, humorous style, and affection for the working man—for example, ‘The Coal Miners” (1945) and “Old Iron” (1952). Many of his stories have antiwar and anti-imperialist themes and reflect the basic conflicts in the prerevolutionary Cuban countryside. Cardoso is a leader of the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba. In 1962 he published a collection of articles, Men Among the People.


Cuentos completos. [Havana, 1969].
Iba caminando. Havana, 1966.
In Russian translation:
Korallovyi kon’ Moscow, 1962.
[Rasskazy.] In Kubinskaia novella XX veka. Moscow-Leningrad, 1965.


Portuondo, J. A. Bosquejo histórico de las letras cubanas. Havana, 1962.