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cardiotoxic cardiotoxic [kahr´de-o-tok″sik] having a poisonous or deleterious effect upon the heart.car·di·o·tox·ic (kar'dē-ō-tok'sik), Having a deleterious effect on the action of the heart, due to poisoning of the cardiac muscle or of its conducting system. [cardio- + G. toxikon, poison] car·di·o·tox·ic (kahr'dē-ō-tok'sik) Having a deleterious effect on the action of the heart, due to poisoning of the cardiac muscle or of its conducting system. [cardio- + G. toxikon, poison]cardiotoxic Having a damaging or poisoning effect on the heart.car·di·o·tox·ic (kahr'dē-ō-tok'sik) Denotes with deleterious effect on action of heart, due to poisoning of the cardiac muscle or of its conducting system. [cardio- + G. toxikon, poison] |