Christian Otto Mohr
Mohr, Christian Otto
Born Oct. 8, 1835, in Wesselburen, Schleswig-Holstein; died Oct. 3, 1918, in Dresden. German scientist in structural mechanics and strength of materials. Graduated from the Hanover Polytechnic Institute. In 1868 he began teaching at the Stuttgart Polytechnic Institute, and in 1873 at the Dresden Polytechnic Institute.
Mohr was one of the originators of the theory of strength (Mohr’s theory of strength) and graphic methods for determining stresses in a complex stressed state (the Mohr circle). He was the first to use calculation of structures for unfavorable load conditions by the method of lines of influence, and he developed a theory for calculation of statically indeterminate systems by the method of forces and a method for calculation of continuous beams with the aid of equations for three moments. Mohr proposed a graphic method for the construction of an elastic line in simple and continuous beams.