Christian of Brunswick

Christian of Brunswick


Christian of Halberstadt,

1599–1626, Protestant military leader in the Thirty Years WarThirty Years War,
1618–48, general European war fought mainly in Germany. General Character of the War

There were many territorial, dynastic, and religious issues that figured in the outbreak and conduct of the war.
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, titular bishop of Halberstadt (1616–23). One of the first allies of Frederick the Winter King, elector palatine of the Rhine, he took up arms in defense of the Palatinate in 1621. Defeated (1622) by the imperial commander TillyTilly, Johannes Tserklaes, count of
, 1559–1632, general in Bavarian and later imperial service during the Thirty Years War. A younger son of a noble family of Brabant, he served under Duke Alessandro Farnese and against the Turks before entering the service of Duke
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, he went to the Netherlands. Christian then advanced into Germany but had to retreat, and Tilly turned the retreat into a rout at Stadtlohn (1623). While serving with Christian IVChristian IV,
1577–1648, king of Denmark and Norway (1588–1648), son and successor of Frederick II. After assuming (1596) personal rule from a regency, he concentrated on building the navy, industry, and commerce. He rebuilt Oslo and renamed it Christiania.
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 of Denmark, he was defeated a third time (1626).