Acronym | Definition |
AFTC➣Air Force Test Center (US Air Force) |
AFTC➣Alternative Fuel Technologies (Detroit, MI) |
AFTC➣Armed Forces Tax Council |
AFTC➣Adrenal Fatigue and Thyroid Care |
AFTC➣Association des Familles des Traumatisés Crâniens (French: Association of Families of Cranial Trauma Patients) |
AFTC➣Agricultural and Food Transporters Conference (est. 1995; American Trucking Associations) |
AFTC➣Automobile Fair Trade Council (est. 1971; Japan) |
AFTC➣Agricultural Futures Trading Commission (est. 2001; Thailand) |
AFTC➣Air Force Technical College (India) |
AFTC➣Air Force Training Course (Sheppard Air Force Base; Texas) |
AFTC➣Advanced Football Training Camps (New York) |
AFTC➣Air Force Transformation Center |