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flat feet TranslationsReferences in classic literature"You see, I took him first thing at dawn," Tikhon continued, spreading out his flat feet with outturned toes in their bast shoes.View in contextAlexey Alexandrovitch's manner of walking, with a swing of the hips and flat feet, particularly annoyed Vronsky.View in contextThe former, continually on horseback scouring the plains, gaining their food by hardy exercise, and subsisting chiefly on flesh, are generally tall, sinewy, meagre, but well formed, and of bold and fierce deportment: the latter, lounging about the river banks, or squatting and curved up in their canoes, are generally low in stature, ill-shaped, with crooked legs, thick ankles, and broad flat feet. They are inferior also in muscular power and activity, and in game qualities and appearance, to their hard-riding brethren of the prairies.View in contextMiss Plym (from the rectory) is fat and fair and prosperous: she overflows with good spirits; she has a waist which defies tight-lacing, and she dances joyously on large flat feet. Miss Darnaway (officer's daughter with small means) is the exact opposite of Miss Plym.View in contextOne arm was at least twelve inches longer than its mate, which was itself long in proportion to the torso, while the legs, similarly mismated and terminating in huge, flat feet that protruded laterally, caused the thing to lurch fearfully from side to side as it lumbered toward the girl.View in context"Down at heel again!" shouted the captain, pointing to his wife's heavy flat feet as they shuffled across the room.View in contextBare-foot walking is indicated for patients with sudden brain stroke, disease of the locomotor system, flat feet, stability disorders, cardiovascular diseases or as prevention against these diseases.There is also a fitness park with eight exercise machines to strengthen muscles and improve motor activity with easy exercises.Sensational path for bare-foot walking accessible in DudinceQ Are there any complications that can occur with flat feet?Answers to questions about blood pressure monitors, gynecomastia, and flat feetHere's a list of the top non-disease orthopedic conditions which do not generally require medical treatment: Flexible flat feet : This is very common.Suffering from worried parent syndrome?> Flexible Flat Feet: Parents are usually very concerned about this condition but this is very normal in children.Orthopaedic conditions a growing problem in childrenPES PLANUS, or flat feet, is a common concern addressed during well-child visits.Pes planus: to treat or not to treatVariability between Clarke's angle and Chippaux-Smirak index for the diagnosis of flat feetVariabilidad entre el angulo de Clarke y el indice de Chippaux-Smirak para el diagnostico de pie planoIdiomsSeeflatfootEncyclopediaSeeFlatfoot |