Boone's Lick State Historic Site
Boone's Lick State Historic Site
Location:12 miles northwest of Boonville on Highway 187, 2 miles west of Highway 87 in Howard County.
Facilities:Picnic area, interpretive trail.
Special Features:One of the earliest centers of industry in central Missouri, Boone'sLick is the site of the salt manufacturing business once owned andoperated by Daniel Boone's sons, Daniel M. and Nathan Boone. Aself-guided wooded trail leads down the hillside to the salt springswhere the Boone brothers began their business. Wood remnants of the salt works and an iron kettle are still visible there.
Address:c/o Arrow Rock State Historic Site
PO Box 1
Arrow Rock, MO 65320
Size: 51 acres.
See other parks in Missouri.