Acronym | Definition |
FPPA➣Fiber Patch Panel Assembly |
FPPA➣Flexographic Pre-Press Platemakers Association (Maryland) |
FPPA➣Florida Professional Paddlesports Association |
FPPA➣Fire and Police Pension Association |
FPPA➣Farmland Protection Policy Act of 1981 |
FPPA➣Florida Public Personnel Association |
FPPA➣Federação Paulista de Patinação Artística (Portuguese: Figure Skating Federation; Brazil) |
FPPA➣Federal Pollution Prevention Act |
FPPA➣Family Psychiatry and Psychology Associates (North Carolina) |
FPPA➣Florida Pulp and Paper Association |
FPPA➣Florida Peanut Producers Association |
FPPA➣Formation Professionnelle Pratique Adaptée (French vocational training program) |
FPPA➣Functional Proponent/Proponent Agency |
FPPA➣Fixed Pilot Power Allocation |
FPPA➣Fiber Patch Panel Assembly (Nortel) |