Acronym | Definition |
FASE➣Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering |
FASE➣Fédération pour Une Alternative Sociale et Écologique (French: Federation for Alternative Social and Ecological) |
FASE➣Federação de Órgãos Para Assistência Social e Educacional (Portuguese: Federation of Organizations for Social and Educational Assistance; Brazil) |
FASE➣Foundation for Advancements in Science and Education |
FASE➣Forum for Advancing Software engineering Education |
FASE➣Federation of Acoustical Societies of Europe |
FASE➣Focused Assessment with Sonography for Echinococcosis |
FASE➣Fellow of the American Society of Echocardiography |
FASE➣Center for Faith and Science Exchange |
FASE➣Friends Association of Services for the Elderly (non-profit multi-level retirement community) |