acquired leukoderma


, pl.


(vit'i-lī'gō, vit'i-lij'i-nēz), [MIM*193200] The appearance on otherwise normal skin of nonpigmented white patches of varied sizes, often symmetrically distributed and usually bordered by hyperpigmented areas; hair in the affected areas is usually white. Epidermal melanocytes are completely lost in depigmented areas by an autoimmune process. Synonym(s): acquired leukoderma [L. a skin eruption, fr. vitium, blemish, vice]

acquired leukoderma

(1) A condition characterised by regions of otherwise normal skin of non-pigmented white patches of varied sizes, often symmetrically distributed and usually bordered by hyper-pigmented areas. Hair in the affected areas is usually, but not always, white as well. Acquired leukoderma may occur in congenital pigmented nevi unassociated with melanoma.
(2) Any area of the skin then becomes de-pigmented after birth.
(3) Vitiligo.

acquired leukoderma

Dermatology A condition characterized by regions of otherwise normal skin of nonpigmented white patches of varied sizes, often symmetrically distributed and usually bordered by hyperpigmented areas. Hair in the affected areas is usually, but not always, white