释义 |
fasciculi proprii fas·cic·'u·li pro·'pri·ifasciculus proprius anterior [TA], fasciculus proprius lateralis [TA], fasciculus proprius posterior [TA]; ascending and descending spinospinal association fiber systems of the spinal cord that lie in the anterior, lateral, and posterior funiculi at the gray matter-white matter interface. Synonym(s): anterior fasciculus proprius [TA], lateral fasciculus proprius [TA], posterior fasciculus proprius [TA], ground bundles, intersegmental fasciculi, lateral proprius bundle, proper fasciculifas·ci·cu·li pro·pri·i (fă-sik'yū-lī prō'prē-ī) [TA] Flechsig fasciculi or ground bundles (fasciculus anterior proprius and fasciculus lateralis proprius or lateral ground bundle); intersegmental fasciculi; ascending and descending association fiber systems of the spinal cord that lie deep in the anterior, lateral, and posterior funiculi adjacent to the gray matter. Synonym(s): ground bundles. |