

E0191900 (ĕk′wĭ-tē)n. pl. eq·ui·ties 1. The state or quality of being just and fair.2. Something that is just and fair.3. Law a. Justice achieved not simply according to the strict letter of the law but in accordance with principles of substantial justice and the unique facts of the case.b. See court of equity.c. An equitable right or claim: an analysis of the equities and inequities brought about by the current trade bill.4. a. Ownership interest in a corporation, property, or other holding, usually calculated as the value of the holding after subtracting any debt or liabilities.b. equities Shares of common stock or preferred stock.5. The value of a brand's reputation.adj.1. Representing an ownership interest: an equity stake.2. Of or relating to stocks: an equity mutual fund.3. Subordinated to all other claims on income, earnings, or assets: the equity tranche.
[Middle English equite, from Old French, from Latin aequitās, from aequus, even, fair.]


(ˈɛkwɪtɪz) pl n (Stock Exchange) another name for ordinary shares
azioni ordinarie