释义 |
back 1 B0009500 (băk)n.1. a. The part of the trunk of the human body along and to the sides of the spine between the neck and the pelvis; the dorsum.b. The analogous dorsal region in other animals.2. The backbone or spine.3. The part or area farthest from the front.4. The part opposite to or behind that adapted for view or use: the back of the hand; wrote on the back of the photograph.5. The reverse side, as of a coin.6. A part that supports or strengthens from the rear: the back of a couch.7. a. The part of a book where the pages are stitched or glued together into the binding.b. The binding itself.8. Sports a. A player who takes a position behind the front line of other players in certain games, such as football and soccer.b. In swimming, backstroke.v. backed, back·ing, backs v.tr.1. To cause to move backward or in a reverse direction: Back the car up and then make the turn.2. To furnish or strengthen with a back or backing.3. a. To provide with financial or material support: Unions backed the pro-labor candidate.b. To lend moral support to, as by corroborating a claim. Often used with up: I'm not comfortable filing a complaint if you won't back me up.c. To be in favor of; endorse or advocate: backed the reform proposal. See Synonyms at support.4. To provide with musical accompaniment. Often used with up.5. To bet or wager on.6. To adduce evidence in support of; substantiate: backed the argument with facts.7. To form the back or background of: Snowcapped mountains back the village.v.intr.1. To move backward: backed out of the garage.2. To shift to a counterclockwise direction. Used of the wind.adj.1. Located or placed in the rear: Deliveries should be made at the back entrance.2. Distant from a center of activity; remote.3. Of a past date; not current: a back issue of a periodical.4. Being owed or due from an earlier time; in arrears: back pay.5. Being in a backward direction: a back step.6. Linguistics Pronounced with the back of the tongue, as oo in cool. Used of vowels.adv.1. At, to, or toward the rear or back.2. In, to, or toward a former location: went back for the class reunion.3. In, to, or toward a former condition: When the spell broke, the prince turned back into a frog.4. In, to, or toward a past time: This story goes back to the 1920s.5. In reserve or concealment: We kept back some money for emergencies.6. In check or under restraint: Barriers held the crowd back.7. In reply or return: emailed back that he would be late.Phrasal Verbs: back away To withdraw from a position; retreat. back down To withdraw from a position, opinion, or commitment. back off To retreat or draw away. back out1. To withdraw from something before completion.2. To fail to keep a commitment or promise. back up1. To cause to accumulate or undergo accumulation: The accident backed the traffic up for blocks. Traffic backed up in the tunnel.2. Computers To make a backup of (a program or file).Idioms: back and fill1. Nautical To maneuver a vessel in a narrow channel by adjusting the sails so as to let the wind in and out of them in alteration.2. To vacillate in one's actions or decisions. back to back Consecutively and without interruption: presented three speeches back to back. behind (one's) back In one's absence or without one's knowledge. have got (someone's) back To be prepared or ready to support or vouch for someone, as in a crisis. have (one's) back up To be angry or irritated. off (someone's) back No longer nagging or urging someone to do something. on (someone's) back Persistently nagging or urging someone to do something. [Middle English bak, from Old English bæc.] back′less adj.
back 2 B0009500 (băk)n. A shallow vat or tub used chiefly by brewers. [Dutch bak, from French bac, from Old French, boat, from Vulgar Latin *baccus, vessel, probably of Celtic origin.]back (bæk) n1. (Anatomy) the posterior part of the human body, extending from the neck to the pelvis. 2. (Zoology) the corresponding or upper part of an animal3. (Anatomy) the spinal column4. the part or side of an object opposite the front5. the part or side of anything less often seen or used: the back of a carpet; the back of a knife. 6. the part or side of anything that is furthest from the front or from a spectator: the back of the stage. 7. the convex part of something: the back of a hill; the back of a ship. 8. something that supports, covers, or strengthens the rear of an object9. (Ball Games, other than specified) ball games a. a mainly defensive player behind a forwardb. the position of such a player10. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) the part of a book to which the pages are glued or that joins the covers11. (Mining & Quarrying) mining a. the side of a passage or layer nearest the surfaceb. the earth between that level and the next12. (General Engineering) the upper surface of a joist, rafter, slate, tile, etc, when in position. Compare bed1313. at one's back behind, esp in support or pursuit14. at the back of one's mind not in one's conscious thoughts15. behind one's back without one's knowledge; secretly or deceitfully16. break one's back to overwork or work very hard17. break the back of to complete the greatest or hardest part of (a task)18. on one's back flat on one's back incapacitated, esp through illness19. get off someone's back informal to stop criticizing or pestering someone20. have on one's back to be burdened with21. on someone's back informal criticizing or pestering someone22. put one's back into to devote all one's strength to (a task)23. put someone's back up get someone's back up to annoy someone24. see the back of to be rid of25. back of beyond a. the back of beyond a very remote placeb. Austral in such a place (esp in the phrase out back of beyond)26. turn one's back on a. to turn away from in anger or contemptb. to refuse to help; abandon27. with one's back to the wall in a difficult or desperate situationvb (mainly tr) 28. (also intr) to move or cause to move backwards29. to provide support, money, or encouragement for (a person, enterprise, etc)30. (Gambling, except Cards) to bet on the success of: to back a horse. 31. to provide with a back, backing, or lining32. (Music, other) to provide with a music accompaniment: a soloist backed by an orchestra. 33. to provide a background for; be at the back of: mountains back the town. 34. (Commerce) to countersign or endorse35. (Horse Training, Riding & Manège) archaic to mount the back of36. (intr; foll by on or onto) to have the back facing (towards): the house backs onto a river. 37. (Physical Geography) (intr) (of the wind) to change direction in an anticlockwise direction in the northern hemisphere and a clockwise direction in the southern. See veer13a38. (Nautical Terms) nautical to position (a sail) so that the wind presses on its opposite side39. (Nautical Terms) nautical to manoeuvre the sails by alternately filling and emptying them of wind to navigate in a narrow place40. to vacillate in one's opinionadj (prenominal) 41. situated behind: a back lane. 42. of the past: back issues of a magazine. 43. (Commerce) owing from an earlier date: back rent. 44. chiefly US and Austral and NZ remote: back country. 45. (of a road) not direct46. moving in a backward direction: back current. 47. (Phonetics & Phonology) phonetics of, relating to, or denoting a vowel articulated with the tongue retracted towards the soft palate, as for the vowels in English hard, fall, hot, full, fooladv48. at, to, or towards the rear; away from something considered to be the front; backwards; behind49. in, to, or towards the original starting point, place, or condition: to go back home; put the book back; my headache has come back. 50. in or into the past: to look back on one's childhood. 51. in reply, repayment, or retaliation: to hit someone back; pay back a debt; to answer back. 52. in check: the dam holds back the water. 53. in concealment; in reserve: to keep something back; to hold back information. 54. back and forth to and fro55. back to front a. in reverseb. in disorder[Old English bæc; related to Old Norse bak, Old Frisian bek, Old High German bah]
back (bæk) n (Brewing) a large tub or vat, esp one used by brewers[C17: from Dutch bak tub, cistern, from Old French bac, from Vulgar Latin bacca (unattested) vessel for liquids]back1 (bæk) n. 1. the rear part of the human body, from the neck to the end of the spine. 2. the part of the body of animals corresponding to the human back. 3. the rear portion of any part of the body: the back of the head. 4. the part opposite to or farthest from the front; rear: the back of a hall. 5. the part that forms the rear of any object or structure. 6. the part covering the back: the back of a jacket. 7. the spine or backbone: The fall broke his back. 8. any rear part of an object serving to support, protect, etc.: the back of a chair. 9. the side of an object that is less functional, less often seen, etc.: the back of an envelope. 10. the whole body, with reference to clothing: the clothes on one's back. 11. ability for labor; effort; endurance: to put one's back to a task. 12. the edge of a book formed where its sections are bound together. 13. (in various sports, as football) a. a player stationed to the rear of front-line play. b. the position so occupied. v.t. 14. to support, as with authority, influence, help, or money: to back a candidate. 15. to bet on: to back a horse in the race. 16. to cause to move backward (often fol. by up): to back a car into a garage. 17. to furnish with a back: to back a book. 18. to lie at the back of; form a back or background for. 19. to provide with an accompaniment: a singer backed by piano and bass. 20. to get upon the back of; mount. 21. to write or print on the back of; endorse; countersign. v.i. 22. to go or move backward (often fol. by up). 23. (of wind) to change direction counterclockwise (opposed to veer). 24. back away, to retreat; withdraw. 25. back down, to abandon an argument or position. 26. back off, a. to move back from something; retreat. b. to back down. 27. back out, to fail to keep an engagement or promise; withdraw. 28. back up, a. to move or cause to move backward. b. to reinforce. c. to support or confirm. d. to bring (a stream of traffic) to a standstill. e. to accumulate or become clogged due to a stoppage. f. to copy (a computer file or program) as a precaution against failure. adj. 29. situated at or in the rear: the back door. 30. far away or removed from the front or main area, position, or rank; remote: back streets. 31. of or belonging to the past: back issues of a magazine. 32. in arrears; overdue: back pay. 33. coming or going back; moving backward: back current. 34. (of a speech sound) articulated with the tongue in the back part of the mouth, as either of the sounds of go. Idioms: 1. back and fill, a. to trim the sails of a boat so that the wind strikes them first on the forward and then on the after side. b. to change one's opinion or position; vacillate. 2. be (flat) on one's back, to be ill, helpless, or overcome by circumstances. 3. behind one's back, without one's knowledge, esp. treacherously or secretly. 4. break the back of, to conquer the most difficult or resistant part of: to break the back of urban crime. 5. get one's back up, to become annoyed; take offense. 6. have one's back to the wall, to be in a difficult or hopeless situation. 7. (in) back of, at the rear of; behind. 8. on someone's back, Informal. nagging or criticizing someone. [before 1000; Middle English bak, Old English bæc back of the body, c. Old Frisian bek, Old Saxon, Old Norse bak; perhaps < Indo-European *bhogo- bending; compare bacon] back′less, adj. syn: back, hind, posterior, rear refer to something situated behind something else. back means the opposite of front: a back window. hind, and the more formal word posterior, refer to the rearmost of two or more, often similar objects: hind wings; posterior lobe. rear is used of buildings, conveyances, etc., and in military language it is the opposite of fore: the rear end of a truck; rear echelon. usage: Although some object to their use, the phrases in back of and the shorter - and much older - back of with the meaning “behind” are fully established as standard in American English: They played(in)back of the house. Both phrases occur in all types of speech and writing, though behind may be easily substituted if desired. back2 (bæk) adv. 1. at, to, or toward the rear; backward: to step back. 2. in or toward the past: to look back on one's youth. 3. at or toward the original starting point, place, or condition: to go back to one's home town; to put a coat back on. 4. in direct payment or return: to pay back a loan; to answer back. 5. in a state of restraint or retention: to hold back tears; to hold back salary. 6. in a reclining position: to lean back; to lie back. 7. go back on, a. to fail to keep; renege on: to go back on a promise. b. to be faithless to; betray. Idioms: back and forth, a. backward and forward; to and fro. b. from side to side. c. from one to the other. [1480–90; aph. form of aback] back1. used with an intransitive verbYou use back with an intransitive verb to say that someone returns to a place where they were before. In six weeks we've got to go back to West Africa.I went back to the kitchen.I'll come back after dinner.2. 'be back'In conversation, instead of saying that someone will 'come back', you often say that they will be back. I imagine he'll be back for lunch.Pete will be back from holiday next week.Be Careful! You never use 'back' with the verb return. You do not say, for example, 'He returned back to his office'. You say 'He returned to his office'. I returned from the Middle East in 1956.3. used with a transitive verbYou use back with a transitive verb to say that someone or something is taken or sent to a place where they were before. Back usually goes after the direct object. We brought Dolly back.He took the tray back.When the direct object is a pronoun, back always goes after it. I brought him back to my room.She put it back on the shelf.However, when the direct object is a long noun group, or a noun group followed by a relative clause, you put back in front of the noun group. He recently sent back his rented television set.He put back the silk sock which had fallen out of the drawer.He went to the market and brought back fresh food which he cooked at home.4. returning to a former stateBack can also be used to say that someone or something returns to a state they were in before. He went back to sleep....a £30 million plant which will turn all the waste back into sulphuric acid.5. used as a nounBack is also a noun. Your back is the part of your body from your neck to your waist that is on the opposite side to your chest and stomach. We lay on our backs under the ash tree.She tapped him on the back.The back of an object is the side or part that is towards the rear or farthest from the front. Many relatives sat at the back of the room, some visibly upset.Keep some long-life milk at the back of your refrigerator.The back of a door is the side which faces into a room or cupboard. Pin your food list on the back of the larder door.The back of a piece of paper is the side which has no writing on, or the side which you look at second. Sign on the back of the prescription form.Note that in British English you do not talk about the 'back side' of a door or piece of paper. However, in American English, this construction is common. Be sure to read the back side of this sheet.back Past participle: backed Gerund: backing
Present |
I back | you back | he/she/it backs | we back | you back | they back |
Preterite |
I backed | you backed | he/she/it backed | we backed | you backed | they backed |
Present Continuous |
I am backing | you are backing | he/she/it is backing | we are backing | you are backing | they are backing |
Present Perfect |
I have backed | you have backed | he/she/it has backed | we have backed | you have backed | they have backed |
Past Continuous |
I was backing | you were backing | he/she/it was backing | we were backing | you were backing | they were backing |
Past Perfect |
I had backed | you had backed | he/she/it had backed | we had backed | you had backed | they had backed |
Future |
I will back | you will back | he/she/it will back | we will back | you will back | they will back |
Future Perfect |
I will have backed | you will have backed | he/she/it will have backed | we will have backed | you will have backed | they will have backed |
Future Continuous |
I will be backing | you will be backing | he/she/it will be backing | we will be backing | you will be backing | they will be backing |
Present Perfect Continuous |
I have been backing | you have been backing | he/she/it has been backing | we have been backing | you have been backing | they have been backing |
Future Perfect Continuous |
I will have been backing | you will have been backing | he/she/it will have been backing | we will have been backing | you will have been backing | they will have been backing |
Past Perfect Continuous |
I had been backing | you had been backing | he/she/it had been backing | we had been backing | you had been backing | they had been backing |
Conditional |
I would back | you would back | he/she/it would back | we would back | you would back | they would back |
Past Conditional |
I would have backed | you would have backed | he/she/it would have backed | we would have backed | you would have backed | they would have backed | ThesaurusNoun | 1. | back - the posterior part of a human (or animal) body from the neck to the end of the spine; "his back was nicely tanned"dorsumsaddle - posterior part of the back of a domestic fowlbody part - any part of an organism such as an organ or extremitytorso, trunk, body - the body excluding the head and neck and limbs; "they moved their arms and legs and bodies"small - the slender part of the backlat, latissimus dorsi - a broad flat muscle on either side of the backdorsal vertebra, thoracic vertebra - one of 12 vertebrae in the human vertebral column; thoracic vertebrae extend from the seventh cervical vertebra down to the first lumbar vertebralumbar vertebra - one of 5 vertebrae in the human vertebral column; lumbar vertebrae extend from the twelfth thoracic vertebra down to the sacral vertebrae | | 2. | back - the side that goes last or is not normally seen; "he wrote the date on the back of the photograph"rearside - an extended outer surface of an object; "he turned the box over to examine the bottom side"; "they painted all four sides of the house"after part, stern, poop, tail, quarter - the rear part of a shipempennage, tail assembly, tail - the rear part of an aircraft | | 3. | back - the part of something that is furthest from the normal viewer; "he stood at the back of the stage"; "it was hidden in the rear of the store"rearposition, place - the particular portion of space occupied by something; "he put the lamp back in its place"front - the part of something that is nearest to the normal viewer; "he walked to the front of the stage" | | 4. | back - (football) a person who plays in the backfieldfootball, football game - any of various games played with a ball (round or oval) in which two teams try to kick or carry or propel the ball into each other's goalflanker, flanker back - a back stationed wide of the scrimmage line; used as a pass receiverfootball player, footballer - an athlete who plays American footballfield general, quarterback, signal caller - (football) the person who plays quarterbackrunning back - (football) a back on the offensive team (a fullback or halfback) who tries to advance the ball by carrying it on plays from the line of scrimmagetailback - (American football) the person who plays tailbackwingback - (football) the person who plays wingback | | 5. | back - the series of vertebrae forming the axis of the skeleton and protecting the spinal cord; "the fall broke his back"spinal column, spine, vertebral column, rachis, backbonenotochord - a flexible rodlike structure that forms the supporting axis of the body in the lowest chordates and lowest vertebrates and in embryos of higher vertebrateschine - backbone of an animalcanalis vertebralis, spinal canal, vertebral canal - the canal in successive vertebrae through which the spinal cord passescoccyx, tail bone - the end of the vertebral column in humans and tailless apesvertebra - one of the bony segments of the spinal columnintervertebral disc, intervertebral disk - a fibrocartilaginous disc serving as a cushion between all of the vertebrae of the spinal column (except between the first two)skeletal structure - any structure created by the skeleton of an organismaxial skeleton - the part of the skeleton that includes the skull and spinal column and sternum and ribs | | 6. | back - the protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a book; "the book had a leather binding"book binding, cover, bindingbook, volume - physical objects consisting of a number of pages bound together; "he used a large book as a doorstop"half binding - book binding in which the spine and part of the sides are bound in one material and the rest in anotherprotective cover, protective covering, protection - a covering that is intend to protect from damage or injury; "they had no protection from the fallout"; "wax provided protection for the floors"three-quarter binding - the spine and much of the sides are a different material from the rest of the cover | | 7. | back - the part of a garment that covers the back of your body; "they pinned a `kick me' sign on his back"cloth covering - a covering made of cloth | | 8. | back - a support that you can lean against while sitting; "the back of the dental chair was adjustable"backrestcantle - the back of a saddle seatcar seat - a seat in a carchair - a seat for one person, with a support for the back; "he put his coat over the back of the chair and sat down"ladder-back - the backrest of a chair that consists of two uprights with connecting slatssupport - any device that bears the weight of another thing; "there was no place to attach supports for a shelf" | | 9. | back - (American football) the position of a player on a football team who is stationed behind the line of scrimmageAmerican football, American football game - a game played by two teams of 11 players on a rectangular field 100 yards long; teams try to get possession of the ball and advance it across the opponents goal line in a series of (running or passing) playsposition - (in team sports) the role assigned to an individual player; "what position does he play?"line backer, linebacker - (American football) the position of a defensive football player who plays close behind the line of scrimmagefield general, quarterback, signal caller - (American football) the position of the football player in the backfield who directs the offensive play of his team; "quarterback is the most important position on the team"fullback - (American football) the position of a back on a football teamhalfback - (American football) the position of a back on a football teamtailback - (American football) the position of the offensive back on a football team who lines up farthest from the line of scrimmagewingback - (American football) the position of the offensive back who lines up behind or outside the endbackfield - the offensive football players who line up behind the linemensecondary - the defensive football players who line up behind the linemen | Verb | 1. | back - be behind; approve of; "He plumped for the Labor Party"; "I backed Kennedy in 1960"endorse, indorse, plump for, plunk for, supportapprove, O.K., okay, sanction - give sanction to; "I approve of his educational policies"warrant, guarantee - stand behind and guarantee the quality, accuracy, or condition of; "The dealer warrants all the cars he sells"; "I warrant this information"champion, defend - protect or fight for as a championsecond, endorse, indorse, back - give support or one's approval to; "I'll second that motion"; "I can't back this plan"; "endorse a new project" | | 2. | back - travel backward; "back into the driveway"; "The car backed up and hit the tree"go, locomote, move, travel - change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically; "How fast does your new car go?"; "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect"; "The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell"; "news travelled fast"back out - move out of a space backwards; "He backed out of the driveway"back - cause to travel backward; "back the car into the parking spot"back out - move out of a space backwards; "He backed out of the driveway"back down, back off, back up - move backwards from a certain position; "The bully had to back down" | | 3. | back - give support or one's approval to; "I'll second that motion"; "I can't back this plan"; "endorse a new project"second, endorse, indorseback, endorse, indorse, plump for, plunk for, support - be behind; approve of; "He plumped for the Labor Party"; "I backed Kennedy in 1960"back up, support - give moral or psychological support, aid, or courage to; "She supported him during the illness"; "Her children always backed her up" | | 4. | back - cause to travel backward; "back the car into the parking spot"back - travel backward; "back into the driveway"; "The car backed up and hit the tree"bring forward, advance - cause to move forward; "Can you move the car seat forward?" | | 5. | back - support financial backing for; "back this enterprise"finance - obtain or provide money for; "Can we finance the addition to our home?" | | 6. | back - be in back of; "My garage backs their yard"lie - be located or situated somewhere; occupy a certain positionfront, face, look - be oriented in a certain direction, often with respect to another reference point; be opposite to; "The house looks north"; "My backyard look onto the pond"; "The building faces the park" | | 7. | back - place a bet on; "Which horse are you backing?"; "I'm betting on the new horse"bet on, gage, game, stake, puntante - place one's stakeparlay, double up - stake winnings from one bet on a subsequent wagerwager, bet, play - stake on the outcome of an issue; "I bet $100 on that new horse"; "She played all her money on the dark horse" | | 8. | back - shift to a counterclockwise direction; "the wind backed"change over, shift, switch - make a shift in or exchange of; "First Joe led; then we switched"veer - shift to a clockwise direction; "the wind veered" | | 9. | back - establish as valid or genuine; "Can you back up your claims?"back upaffirm, confirm, corroborate, substantiate, support, sustain - establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts; "his story confirmed my doubts"; "The evidence supports the defendant" | | 10. | back - strengthen by providing with a back or backingstrengthen - gain strength; "His body strengthened" | Adj. | 1. | back - related to or located at the back; "the back yard"; "the back entrance"posterior - located at or near or behind a part or near the end of a structureaft - (nautical, aeronautical) situated at or toward the stern or tailfront - relating to or located in the front; "the front lines"; "the front porch" | | 2. | back - located at or near the back of an animal; "back (or hind) legs"; "the hinder part of a carcass"hind, hinderposterior - located at or near or behind a part or near the end of a structure | | 3. | back - of an earlier date; "back issues of the magazine"noncurrent - not current or belonging to the present time | Adv. | 1. | back - in or to or toward a former location; "she went back to her parents' house" | | 2. | back - at or to or toward the back or rear; "he moved back"; "tripped when he stepped backward"; "she looked rearward out the window of the car"backward, backwards, rearward, rearwards | | 3. | back - in or to or toward an original condition; "he went back to sleep" | | 4. | back - in or to or toward a past time; "set the clocks back an hour"; "never look back"; "lovers of the past looking fondly backward"backwardahead, forward - toward the future; forward in time; "I like to look ahead in imagination to what the future may bring"; "I look forward to seeing you" | | 5. | back - in reply; "he wrote back three days later" | | 6. | back - in repayment or retaliation; "we paid back everything we had borrowed"; "he hit me and I hit him back"; "I was kept in after school for talking back to the teacher" |
backadverb1. backwards, in reverse, towards the rear, towards the back, rearwards She stepped back from the door expectantly.2. again, as before Denise hopes to be back at work by the time her daughter is one.3. at a distance, far, away, apart, out of the way Keep back from the edge of the platform.4. ago, before, earlier, in the past, previously He was wounded in that terrorist attack a few years back.noun1. spine, backbone, vertebrae, spinal column, vertebral column Three of the victims were shot in the back.2. rear, other side, back end, rear side a room at the back of the shop rear head, face, front, fore3. end, tail end the customers at the back of the queue4. reverse, rear, other side, wrong side, underside, flip side, verso Send your answers on the back of a postcard.adjective1. rear a path leading to the back garden rear front, advance, fore2. rearmost, hind, hindmost She could remember sitting in the back seat of their car.3. previous, earlier, former, past, out of date, elapsed A handful of back copies will give an indication of property prices. previous later, future4. tail, end, rear, posterior, dorsal They had transmitters taped to their back feathers.verb1. support, help, second, aid, champion, encourage, favour, defend, promote, sanction, sustain, assist, advocate, endorse, side with, stand up for, espouse, stand behind, countenance, abet, stick up for (informal), take up the cudgels for He is backed by the civic movement. support attack, combat, oppose, undermine, weaken, thwart, hinder2. subsidize, help, support, finance, sponsor, assist, underwrite Murjani backed him to start the new company.3. gamble on, bet (money) on, speculate on, punt on (chiefly Brit.), put money on, take a risk on, put your shirt on, stake money on, chance money on, wager money on, pledge money on, venture money on It is upsetting to discover that you have backed a loser.back away move back, go back, retire, withdraw, shrink, recede, pull back, back off, recoil, draw back, give ground, turn tail The girls hastily backed away.back away from something retreat, withdraw, shrink, depart, pull back, back off, draw back He's backing away from the policies and styles of his predecessor.back down give in, collapse, withdraw, yield, concede, submit, surrender, comply, cave in (informal), capitulate, accede, admit defeat, back-pedal It's too late now to back down.back off recoil, go back, retire, withdraw, shrink back, move back, recede, pull back, back away, draw back, turn tail They backed off in horror.back off from something retreat from, withdraw from, depart from, shrink from, pull back from, draw back from The union has publicly backed off from that demand.back out withdraw, retire, give up, pull out, retreat, drop out, renege, cop out (slang), chicken out (informal), detach yourself I've already promised I'll go - I can't back out now.back out of something1. withdraw from, abandon, cancel, pull out of, retire from, resign from, drop out of, give up on, retreat from, go back on, renege on, flip-flop on (informal, chiefly U.S.), backtrack on, chicken out of (informal), cop out of (slang), detach yourself from, recant on, disengage yourself from They backed out of the deal.2. withdraw from, retire from, reverse from, retreat from, pull back from, back off from, back away from, recoil from, draw back from, turn tail from The two men backed out of the shop.back someone up support, second, aid, assist, stand by, bolster, side with, vouch for The girl denied being there, and the men backed her up.back something up substantiate, support, prove, confirm, reinforce, validate, bear out, corroborate, attest to, authenticate Her views are backed up by a report on crime.behind someone's back secretly, covertly, surreptitiously, furtively, conspiratorially, sneakily, deceitfully You enjoy her hospitality, and then criticize her behind her back.Related words adjective dorsalbacknounThe part or area farthest from the front:rear, rearward.verb1. To move in a reverse direction:backpedal, backtrack, fall back, retreat, retrocede, retrograde, retrogress.Idiom: retrace one's steps.2. To supply capital to or for:capitalize, finance, fund, grubstake, stake, subsidize.Informal: bankroll.Idiom: put up money for.3. To aid the cause of by approving or favoring:advocate, champion, endorse, get behind, plump for, recommend, side with, stand behind, stand by, support, uphold.Idioms: align oneself with, go to bat for, take the part of.4. To present evidence in support of.Also used with up:buttress, corroborate, substantiate.5. To assure the certainty or validity of.Also used with up:attest, authenticate, bear out, confirm, corroborate, evidence, justify, substantiate, testify (to), validate, verify, warrant.phrasal verb back down or out To abandon a former position or commitment:renege, retreat.Slang: cop out, fink out.adjective1. Located in the rear:hind, hindmost, posterior, postern, rear.Nautical: after.2. Far from centers of human population:insular, isolated, lonely, lonesome, obscure, outlying, out-of-the-way, remote, removed, secluded, solitary.Idiom: off the beaten path.adverb1. Toward the back:about, around, backward, backwards, rearward.2. In or toward a former location or condition:about, around, backward, backwards, rearward, round.Translationsback (bӕk) noun1. in man, the part of the body from the neck to the bottom of the spine. She lay on her back. (人)背部 (人)背部 2. in animals, the upper part of the body. She put the saddle on the horse's back. (動物)背部 (动物)背部,后面 3. that part of anything opposite to or furthest from the front. the back of the house; She sat at the back of the hall. 背面 背面4. in football, hockey etc a player who plays behind the forwards. (足球等的)後衛 (足球等的)后卫 adjective of or at the back. the back door. 後面的 后面的 adverb1. to, or at, the place or person from which a person or thing came. I went back to the shop; He gave the car back to its owner. 回原處 回原处2. away (from something); not near (something). Move back! Let the ambulance get to the injured man; Keep back from me or I'll hit you! 退開 后退3. towards the back (of something). Sit back in your chair. 往後 向后4. in return; in response to. When the teacher is scolding you, don't answer back. 回覆 答复5. to, or in, the past. Think back to your childhood. 回溯 回溯 verb1. to (cause to) move backwards. He backed (his car) out of the garage. 倒退 倒退2. to help or support. Will you back me against the others? 支持 支持3. to bet or gamble on. I backed your horse to win. 打賭或下賭注 下赌注在...上ˈbacker noun a person who supports someone or something, especially with money. the backer of the new theatre. 贊助人,支持者 赞助人,支持者 ˈbackbite verb to criticize a person when he is not present. 背後批評 背后说人坏话ˈbackbiting nounConstant backbiting by her colleagues led to her resignation. 背後中傷 诽谤ˈbackbone noun1. the spine. the backbone of a fish. 背脊 脊骨2. the chief support. The older employees are the backbone of the industry. 主要支柱 主要支柱ˈbackbreaking adjective (of a task etc) very difficult or requiring very hard work. Digging the garden is a backbreaking job. 繁重的,累人的 非常辛劳的,艰苦繁重的 ˌbackˈdate verb1. to put an earlier date on (a cheque etc). He should have paid his bill last month and so he has backdated the cheque. 在(支票)上填上先前的日期 在(支票)上书写更早的日期 2. to make payable from a date in the past. Our rise in pay was backdated to April. 從過去某個時點開始支付 自过去某时起支付ˌbackˈfire verb1. (of a motor-car etc) to make a loud bang because of unburnt gases in the exhaust system. The car backfired. (汽車引擎)回火 (汽车)回火 2. (of a plan etc) to have unexpected results, often opposite to the intended results. His scheme backfired (on him), and he lost money. 得到適得其反的結果 产生事与愿违的结果ˈbackground noun1. the space behind the principal or most important figures or objects of a picture etc. He always paints ships against a background of stormy skies; trees in the background of the picture. 背景 背景2. happenings that go before, and help to explain, an event etc. the background to a situation. 背景情況 背景情况3. a person's origins, education etc. She was ashamed of her humble background. 經歷,學歷 经历,学历 ˈbackhand noun1. in tennis etc, a stroke or shot with the back of one's hand turned towards the ball. a clever backhand; His backhand is very strong. (網球等的)反手擊球 (网球等的)反手击球 2. writing with the letters sloping backwards. I can always recognize her backhand. 左斜體筆跡 左斜体书法 adverb using backhand. She played the stroke backhand; She writes backhand. 反手地 反手地ˈbacklog noun a pile of uncompleted work etc which has collected. a backlog of orders because of the strike. 積壓的工作 积压的工作ˌback-ˈnumber noun an out-of-date copy or issue of a magazine etc. He collects back-numbers of comic magazines. 過期的期刊 过期的报刊ˈbackpack noun (especially American) a bag that walkers, people who go on trips, or students carry on their backs. 背包 背包ˈbackpacking: go backpacking to go on trips or go camping carrying a backpack. 揹著背包旅行或露營 背包旅行或露营ˈbackpacker noun 揹著背包旅行或露營的人,背包客 背包旅行或露营者ˈbackside noun the bottom or buttocks. He sits on his backside all day long and does no work. 臀部 屁股,臀部 ˈbackslash noun the sign (\\). 反斜線 反斜线符号ˈbackstroke noun in swimming, a stroke made when lying on one's back in the water. The child is good at backstroke. 仰泳 仰泳ˈbackup noun1. additional people who provide help when it is needed. The police officer requested some backup when the shooting began. 後備人員 后援,后备者 2. a copy of a computer file that can be used in case the original is destroyed. (電腦檔案)備份 备份文件3. (also adjective) a piece of equipment, a system etc that can be used when there is a problem with the original one. a backup plan; We have a backup generator in case the power fails. 備用(設備或系統等) 备份的,备用的 ˈbackwash noun1. a backward current eg that following a ship's passage through the water. the backwash of the steamer. 船行經水面後形成的回流 由船等运动引起的逆流2. the unintentional results of an action, situation etc. The backwash of that firm's financial troubles affected several other firms. 無心造成的結果 反响ˈbackwater noun1. a stretch of river not in the main stream. 河川某段水流受阻所形成的回水 回流2. a place not affected by what is happening in the world outside. That village is rather a backwater. 與世隔絕的地方 闭塞的地方,與世隔絕的地方 ˌbackˈyard noun (especially American) a garden at the back of a house etc. He grows vegetables in his backyard. 後院 后院back down to give up one's opinion, claim etc. She backed down in the face of strong opposition. 放棄(己見、要求等),讓步 放弃(观点),退让 back of (American) behind. He parked back of the store. 在...的後方 在...的后部back on to (of a building etc) to have its back next to (something). My house backs on to the racecourse. 背對著 背对著back out1. to move out backwards. He opened the garage door and backed (his car) out. 倒退移出 倒出2. to withdraw from a promise etc. You promised to help – you mustn't back out now! 收回(承諾),食言 收回(承诺) back up1. to support or encourage. The new evidence backed up my arguments. 支持 支持2. to make a copy of the information stored on the computer or disk. 備份 备份have one's back to the wall to be in a very difficult or desperate situation. He certainly has his back to the wall as he has lost his job and cannot find another one. 進退維谷 处于绝境put someone's back up to anger someone. He put my back up with his boasting. 激怒(某人) 激怒(某人) take a back seat to take an unimportant position. At these discussions he always takes a back seat and listens to others talking. 退居第二線 处于次要地位,谦让 back → 后背zhCN, 后退zhCN, 后部zhCN, 后面的zhCN, 向后zhCN- When should we be back on the bus? (US)
When should we be back on board? (UK) → 我们什么时间必须上车? - When do we get back? → 几点返回?
- When is the bike due back? → 自行车什么时候需要交回?
- Please give me my passport back → 请把护照还给我吧
- Which is the key to the back door? (US)
Which is the key for the back door? (UK) → 哪一把是后门钥匙? - I want my money back → 我要退钱
- I'll call back later → 我过一会儿再打来
- I'll call back tomorrow → 我明天再打来
- Please call me back → 请给我回电话
- I have a bad back (US)
I've got a bad back (UK) → 我的背很疼 - I've hurt my back → 我的背受伤了
- My back is sore → 我的背很痛
- Shall I come back later? → 我可以过一会儿再来吗?
- We'll be in bed when you get back → 你回来的时候我们该睡觉了
*back (some place)returned to some place; at some place again. (*Typically: be ~; get ~; arrive ~.) I can't wait till we get back home. When will we get back? Is it much farther?*back(at someone) repaying someone for a bad deed. (*Typically: get ~; have ~.) Tom called me a jerk, but I'll get back at him. I don't know how I'll get back for her insult, but I will.back n. one’s support or second in a fight. (From back-up.) I need a back I can depend on. See:- (in) back of (something)
- (one's) back is turned
- (one's) back is up
- a back number
- a back-seat driver
- a crick in (one's) back
- a knife in the back
- a monkey on (one's) back
- a monkey on your back
- a pat on the back
- a short back and sides
- a stab in the back
- a while back
- a/the monkey on somebody's back
- all the way to Egery and back
- answer back
- argue back
- arrive back
- ask back
- at the back of (one's) mind
- at the back of beyond
- at the back of your mind
- at/in the back of your mind
- back
- back (one or oneself) into a corner
- back (someone or something) up to (something)
- back (someone) for (something)
- back alley
- back and edge
- back and fill
- back and fill, to
- back and forth
- back at it
- back at it (again)
- back at you
- back atcha
- back away
- back burner
- back burner, on a
- back door
- back down
- back East
- back for
- back forty
- back in (one's) box
- back in circulation
- back in harness
- back in the day
- back in the game
- back in the saddle
- back in your box
- back in(to) (the) harness
- back in(to) circulation
- back into
- back into (someone or something)
- back number
- back o' Bourke
- back of
- back of (one's) mind
- back of (the) beyond
- back of beyond
- back of one's hand
- back of one's hand, to give (someone) the
- back of one's mind
- back of something
- back of the beyond
- back of the black stump
- back off
- back off, to
- back office
- back on (one's) feet
- back on feet
- back on the horse
- back on track
- back oneself into a corner
- back onto
- back onto (something)
- back order
- back out
- back out (of something)
- back out of
- back over
- back over (someone or something)
- back room
- back room boys
- back street
- back the wrong horse
- back to back
- back to basics
- back to earth
- back to front
- back to nature
- back to square one
- back to the drawing board
- back to the salt mines
- back to the wall
- back to the wall, with one's
- back up
- back up to
- back water
- back/paint somebody/yourself into a corner
- back-alley
- back-assward
- back-breaking
- back-cloth star
- backdoor
- back-ender
- backhanded compliment
- backhander
- back-of-the-envelope calculation
- back-order
- backpedal
- backroom boy
- backseat driver
- backstabber
- back-to-back
- back-to-back-to-back
- bad penny, always turns up (comes back) like a
- be (flat) on (one's) back
- be (like) water off a duck's back
- be back in business
- be back in harness
- be back on the rails
- be fed up to the back teeth
- be glad to see the back of (someone or something)
- be glad to see the back of someone or something
- be glad, etc. to see the back of somebody/something
- be no skin off (one's) back
- be on (one's) back
- be on somebody's back
- be on someone's back
- be on the back burner
- be on the back foot
- be right back
- be water off a duck's back
- be/go back to square one
- beast with two backs
- beat back
- been to hell and back
- behind (one's) back
- behind back
- behind somebody's back
- behind someone's back
- bend back
- bite back
- blink back tears
- blink tears back
- bounce (something) back and forth
- bounce back
- bounce back and forth
- boys in the back room
- break (one's) arm patting (oneself) on the back
- break (one's) back
- break back
- break neck
- break one's back
- break the back of
- break the back of (something)
- break the back of something
- break your back
- break your back doing something/to do something
- bring (one) back (down) to earth
- bring (one) back to reality
- bring (someone or something) back to life
- bring (someone) back out
- bring back
- bring back out
- bring back to life
- bring back to reality
- brush back
- buy (something) back (from someone)
- buy back
- by the back door
- by/through the back door
- call back
- call in(to)
- callback
- carry (one) back
- carry back
- cast (one's) mind back
- cast back
- cast your mind back
- cast your mind back to something
- change back
- check back
- check back with (one)
- choke back
- chop back
- clap back
- claw (one's) way
- claw (one's) way back from (something)
- claw your way back, into something, out of something, etc.
- come back
- come back (down) to earth
- Come back and see us
- come back anytime
- come back from the dead
- come back to bite (one)
- come back to earth to earth
- come back to haunt (one)
- come back to haunt one
- come back to the fold
- Come back when you can stay longer
- comment back
- could (do something) with one arm tied behind (one's) back
- could (do something) with one hand tied behind (one's) back
- couldn't find (one's) way out of a paper bag
- cover (one's) back
- cover your back
- crawl back to
- crawl back to (one)
- crawl into (one's) shell
- crick in back
- cut back
- cut back to
- cut back to (someone or something)
- date back
- dead on one's feet
- dial back
- die back
- do something behind someone's back
- do something with one hand behind your back
- double back
- draw back
- drift back
- drive (one) back on (something)
- drive (one) back to (someone)
- drive back
- drive back on
- drive back to
- drop back
- drunk back
- ease back
- echo back to
- echo back to (something)
- eyes in the back of (one's) head
- eyes in the back of one's head, have
- eyes in the back of one's head, to have
- eyes in the back of your head
- fade back
- fall back
- fall back on
- fall back on (someone or something)
- fall off the back of a lorry
- fall off the back of a truck
- fed up to the back teeth
- fed up to the back teeth (with someone or something)
- fed up to the back teeth with somebody/something
- feed (something) back into (something)
- feed back into
- feed back to
- fight back
- fight back at (someone or something)
- fire back
- fire back at (someone or something)
- fire back to (someone or something)
- fit on the back of a postage stamp
- flash back
- flashback Friday
- flat on (one's) back
- flat on back
- flat on one's back
- fling (one's) head back
- fling back
- fling head back
- fold back
- follow back
- force back
- from way back
- get (one's) back up
- get (one's) bait back
- get (one's) breath back
- get (one's) ears pinned back
- get (one's) mojo back
- get (one's) own back
- get (someone's) back
- get back
- get back at
- get back at (one)
- get back on the horse (that bucked you)
- get back on the rails
- get back to
- get back to (someone)
- get back to (someone) on (something)
- get back to basics
- get back to nature
- get back up
- get dander up
- get ears pinned back
- get off (one's) back
- get off (one's) backside
- Get off case!
- get off my back
- Get off my back!
- get off somebody's back
- get off someone’s back
- get off someone's back
- get someone's back up
- get someone's back up, to
- get your bait back
- get your breath back
- get your own back
- get/go back to basics
- get/put somebody's back up
- give (oneself or someone) a pat on the back
- give (someone) the back of (one's) hand
- give (someone) the shirt off (one's) back
- give (something) back (to someone) with interest
- give back
- give somebody/yourself a pat on the back
- give the shirt off back
- give the shirt off one's back
- give the shirt off one's back, to
- glance back
- glance back at (someone or something)
- go back
- go back a long way
- go back on
- go back on (one's) word
- go back on (something)
- go back on word
- go back on your word
- go back to
- go back to basics
- go back to square one
- go back to the drawing board
- go back to the salt mines
- go behind (one's) back
- go behind back
- go behind someone's back
- go to hell and back
- greenback
- grow back
- gulp back
- gulp back (one's) sobs
- gulp back (one's) tears
- hand back
- hand back to (someone)
- hang back
- harder than the back of God's head
- hark back
- hark back to
- hark(en) back to (something)
- have (got) (someone's) back
- have (one's) back against the wall
- have (one's) back to the wall
- have (one's) back up
- have a broad back
- have a monkey on (one's) back
- have a monkey on one’s back
- have a monkey on your back
- have a yellow belly
- have a yellow streak down (one's) back
- have a yellow streak down one’s back
- have back
- have back to the wall
- have back up
- have been to hell and back
- have calluses from patting (one's) own back
- have calluses from patting own back
- have eyes in the back of (one's) head
- have eyes in the back of head
- have eyes in the back of your head
- have got a monkey on (one's) back
- have got back
- have never looked back
- have the shirt off (one's) back
- have your back to the wall
- head back
- help (someone) back (to some place)
- help back
- hit back
- hit back (at someone or something)
- hold back
- hurry back
- hurry back to (someone or something)
- I'll call back later
- I'll get back to (someone)
- I'll get back to you
- I'll get back to you on that
- in (one's) (own) back yard
- in circulation
- in harness
- in play
- in the back
- in the back of (one's) mind
- in the back of mind
- in the groove
- inch back
- It is the last straw that breaks the camel's back
- juice back
- juice something back
- keep back
- keep off back
- kick back
- knock back
- knock back a drink
- knock one back
- knock something back
- know (something) like the back of (one's) hand
- know like a book
- know like the palm of hand
- know something like the back of your hand
- laid back
- laid-back
- lash back
- lash back (at someone or something)
- last straw, the
- lead back
- lean back
- lean back against (someone or something)
- lean back on (someone or something)
- lease back
- let me get back to you (on that)
- lie back
- lie back and think of England
- like back
- like the back of a bus
- like water off a duck's back
- live off the backs of (someone)
- live off the backs of someone
- loll back
- look back
- make (one's) way back (to something or some place)
- make (one's)/the hair stand up on the back of (one's) neck
- make a comeback
- make a rod for (one's) own back
- make a rod for your own back
- make the beast with two backs
- make way back
- meanwhile, back at the ranch
- mind your back
- mind your back(s)
- mind your backs!
- monkey off (one's) back
- monkey on (one's) back
- monkey on one's back
- move back
- move the/(one's) clock(s) back
- nail (one's) ears back
- nail (something) back
- nail back
- nail ears back
- never look back
- never/not look back
- no skin off (one's) back
- not in my back yard
- nurse (someone or something) back to health
- nurse back to health
- off (one's) back
- off back
- off someone's back
- off the back of a lorry
- off the back of a truck
- on (one's) back
- on back
- on case
- on one's feet
- on someone's back
- on the back burner
- on the back foot
- on the back of
- on the back of (something)
- on the back of a postage stamp
- on the back of an envelope
- on the pig's back
- on your back
- once you go black, you never go back
- one step forward and two steps back
- one step forward, two steps back
- out back
- out front
- pace back and forth
- pass back
- pat (one) on the back
- pat on the back
- pat someone on the back
- pay (one) a backhanded compliment
- pay (one) back
- pay (one) back in (one's) own coin
- pay (one) back in kind
- pay (one) back with interest
- pay (something) back
- pay back
- pay someone back in their own coin
- pay something back/return something with interest
- payback
- peel back
- pin back
- pin back (one's) ears
- pin back your ears
- pin ears back
- pin someone’s ears back
- pin someone's ears back
- pin your ears back
12See back
Back, river, c.600 mi (970 km) long, rising in lakes, Northwest Territories, Canada, and flowing northeast through Nunavut across the tundra to Chantry Inlet. Numerous lakes lie along its course. It is named for Sir George BackBack, Sir George, 1796–1878, British explorer in N Canada. He accompanied Sir John Franklin on arctic expeditions in 1818, 1819–22, and 1824–27. On an expedition (1833–35) to search for the missing John Ross, Back explored the Great Fish River (now Back ..... Click the link for more information. , the first European to descend the river (1834).What does it mean when you dream about the back?Because of the dreaming mind’s tendency to literalize metaphors, the back can signify meanings from familiar sayings. For example, in a dream the back may mean “watch your back” (beware of treachery). back[bak] (anatomy) The part of the human body extending from the neck to the base of the spine. (graphic arts) The part of a book where the binding and pages are stitched together. (mining engineering) The upper part of any mining cavity. A joint, usually a strike joint, perpendicular to the direction of working. back1. The rear, reverse, unseen, more remote, or less important part of a structure, tool, or object 2. The support for a more prominent or visible element; e.g., the back of wallboard is the surface to be plastered.3. The top or exposed side of a slate, tile, or the like, in contrast to the bed.4. The ridge or top of a horizontal member or structure like a joist, rafter, or roof.5. A principal rafter.6. The extrados or top surface of an arch, often buried in the surrounding masonry. 7. A low-grade veneer used for the back ply in plywood construction.8. The wainscoting below the sash frame of a window, extending to the floor.back i. The curved surface of a propeller blade. It corresponds to the upper surface of the airplane's wing. Also called a blade back. ii. The back of the power curve, where any decrease in speed results in a disproportional increase in drag. A stage may be reached when even with full power the aircraft may continue to sink. Also referred to as behind the power curve and backside of the power curve. iii. The top part or the upper surface area of an airplane, especially of an airplane's fuselage, referred to in such contexts as “to fly on its back.” iv. The back seat (rear cockpit) of a two-seater combat or trainer aircraft. v. The changing of wind direction in the anti-clock-wise direction. When the wind direction changes in the anticlock-wise direction, it is called backing when the change is clock-wise, it is called veering.back11. Ball gamesa. a mainly defensive player behind a forward b. the position of such a player 2. the upper surface of a joist, rafter, slate, tile, etc., when in position
back2 a large tub or vat, esp one used by brewers back
back (bak), [TA] 1. Posterior aspect of trunk, below neck and above buttocks. 2. Vertebral column with associated muscles (erector spinae and transversospinalis) and overlying integument. See: dorsum.back (băk)n.1. a. The part of the trunk of the human body along and to the sides of the spine between the neck and the pelvis; the dorsum.b. The analogous dorsal region in other animals.2. The backbone or spine. back′less adj.back (bak) [TA] 1. Posterior aspect of trunk, below neck and above buttocks. 2. Vertebral column with associated muscles (erector spinae and transversospinalis) and overlying integument. See: dorsumback (bak) [TA] 1. Area on a débridement instrument where lateral surfaces meet or are continuous to its formation. 2. Portion of instrument working-end opposite its face. Sickle scalers have a pointed back, curettes a rounded one. 3. Posterior aspect of trunk, below neck and above buttocks. 4. Vertebral column with associated muscles (erector spinae and transversospinalis) and overlying integument. See: dorsumPatient discussion about backQ. My son is complaining about back pain. I also see that his back isn't straight. What can we do? My son is a adorable 8 years old. He is complaining about back pain, that bothers him after he walks a little. I also saw that his back isn't straight and looks like a S. is this deformity connected to his back pain? A. The normal shape of the spine is very similar to the "S" shape as you can see here http://www.digitalartform.com/archives/images/spineTest1.jpg But even if his back isn't deformated, he has back pain and you need to take care of that by going to your pediatrician. Q. I want to know the treatments for back pain A. well, tester1234, you are asking a very general question. back pain is a symptom. and the best way to get rid of a symptom is by eliminating the cause. back pain have many causes- not sitting right, posture problems, Spinal disc herniation, muscles not strong and long enough, kidney problems sometime feels like lower back problems. i had a problem with posture. so i went to Rolfing therapist- really helped. Q. I have a lower back pain for more than 3 months what should I do? I am a 55 years old man, and i work as a truck-driver. In the last 3 months i have a back ache that is disturbing my life. Its really annoying me. When I wake up I am usually fine, but after 10 minutes of driving the pain starts and it doesn't stop till I go back to bed. What can I do? my GP told me to take Tylenol, but it's just not helping.A. A constant low back pain can be a result of a lot of things. A friend of mine (63 years old) had a back pain and she didn't pay enough attention to it assuming its just nothing. In the end it was due to metastatic lung cancer. here you can see the major "Red Flags" that encourage you take an extra appointment with your GP http://www.medinfo.co.uk/conditions/lowbackpain.html More discussions about backLegalSeeBackingFinancialSeeBack awayBAck
Acronym | Definition |
BAck➣Binding Acknowledgement | BAck➣Better Access to Chiropractors to Keep our Veterans Healthy Act (introduced 2004) | BAck➣Back At Computer Keyboard | BAck➣Become a Cheerful Kid |
back Related to back: back to back, strike back, Back spasmSynonyms for backnoun the part or area farthest from the frontSynonymsverb to move in a reverse directionSynonyms- backpedal
- backtrack
- fall back
- retreat
- retrocede
- retrograde
- retrogress
verb to supply capital to or forSynonyms- capitalize
- finance
- fund
- grubstake
- stake
- subsidize
- bankroll
verb to aid the cause of by approving or favoringSynonyms- advocate
- champion
- endorse
- get behind
- plump for
- recommend
- side with
- stand behind
- stand by
- support
- uphold
verb to present evidence in support ofSynonyms- buttress
- corroborate
- substantiate
verb to assure the certainty or validity ofSynonyms- attest
- authenticate
- bear out
- confirm
- corroborate
- evidence
- justify
- substantiate
- testify
- validate
- verify
- warrant
phrase back down: to abandon a former position or commitmentSynonyms- renege
- retreat
- cop out
- fink out
adj located in the rearSynonyms- hind
- hindmost
- posterior
- postern
- rear
- after
adj far from centers of human populationSynonyms- insular
- isolated
- lonely
- lonesome
- obscure
- outlying
- out-of-the-way
- remote
- removed
- secluded
- solitary
adv toward the backSynonyms- about
- around
- backward
- backwards
- rearward
adv in or toward a former location or conditionSynonyms- about
- around
- backward
- backwards
- rearward
- round