bony part of pharyngotympanic (auditory) tube

bon·y part of pharyngotympanic (au·di·to·ry) tube

[TA] the portion of the pharyngotympanic (auditory) tube formed by the petrous part of the temporal bone passing anteromedially from the tympanic cavity, gradually narrowing to end at the junction of the petrous and squamous parts. Synonym(s): pars ossea tubae auditivae [TA], pars ossea tubae auditoriae

bon·y part of pha·ryn·go·tym·pan·ic (au·di·to·ry) tube

(bōnē pahrt fă-ringgō-tim-panik awdi-tōr-ē tūb) [TA] Portion of the pharyngotympanic (auditory) tube formed by petrous part of temporal bone passing anteromedially from the tympanic cavity, gradually narrowing to terminate at the junction of the petrous and squamous parts.