bony ampullae of semicircular canals

bony am·pul·lae of sem·i·cir·cu·lar ca·nals

[TA] a circumscribed dilation of one extremity of each of the three bony semicircular canals, anterior, posterior, and lateral; each contains a membranous ampulla of the semicircular ducts. Synonym(s): ampullae osseae canalium semicircularium [TA], osseous ampulla

bon·y am·pul·lae of sem·i·cir·cu·lar ca·nals

(bō'nē am-pul'ē sem'ē-sĭr'kyū-lăr kă-nalz') A circumscribed dilation of one extremity of each of the three bony semicircular canals, anterior, posterior, and lateral; each contains a membranous ampulla of the semicircular ducts.

bon·y am·pul·lae of sem·i·cir·cu·lar ca·nals

(bō'nē am-pul'ē sem'ē-sĭr'kyū-lăr kă-nalz') Circumscribed dilation of one extremity of each of the three bony semicircular canals, anterior, posterior, and lateral; each contains a membranous ampulla of the semicircular ducts.