Bonny Lake State Park

Bonny Lake State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Colorado
Location:23 miles north of Burlington on Highway 385, then east on County Road 2 or 3 for about 1.5 miles.
Facilities:190 campsites (100 with electrical hookups), group campground, showers,laundry, restrooms, 98 picnic sites, group picnic area, nature trail,snack bar, camp store, 6 boat ramps, fish cleaning station, marina,mooring/docking, boat rental, jet ski rental, visitor/nature center,(é).
Activities:Camping, boating, fishing, swimming, water-skiing, windsurfing, jetskiing, hunting (with restrictions), cross-country skiing, ice skating,ice fishing, winter camping, hiking, bird watching, interpretiveprograms.
Special Features:An oasis on the plains, the lake offers a welcomed change from therolling prairie and grasslands that surround the park. Bonny Lake isColorado's easternmost state park.
Address:30010 County Rd 3
Idalia, CO 80735

Size: 5,000 acres land, 1,900 acres water. Elevation: 3,700 feet.

See other parks in Colorado.