East Korea Mountains
East Korea Mountains
a mountain system on the east of the Korean peninsula, including the Taebaeksan range with the Kumgangsan, or Diamond, Mountains in its northern part, and the Sobaeksan, Charyǒng, Noryǒng, and Kyǒngsan ranges. The maximum height is 1,915 m (Mount Chirisan). The East Korea Mountains are strongly dissected and cut through by deep gorges. The northern part of the mountains (including Taebaeksan) is located within the shield of the Sino-Korean Platform and represents a complex system of block ranges formed of ancient crystalline rock. The southern part is composed of Mesozoic structures and consists mainly of Jurassic and Cretaceous limestones, shales, and sandstones. The climate is monsoonal, temperate in the north and subtropical in the south. Forest flora characterizes the region, represented by broad-leaved deciduous forests in the north and evergreen forests in the south. Higher up, the leaf-bearing trees are succeeded by coniferous forests of pine, larch, and fir.