Communications, Institutes of
Communications, Institutes of
The institutes of communications in the USSR train engineers for enterprises, organizations, and establishments associated with radio communications, radio broadcasting, television, wired communications, and the postal service.
The USSR had seven institutes of communications in 1975: the Moscow Electrical Engineering Institute of Communications (founded in 1921), the M. A. Bonch-Bruevich Leningrad Electrical Engineering Institute of Communications (founded in 1930), the Odessa Electrical Engineering Institute of Communications (founded in 1930), the Novosibirsk Electrical Engineering Institute of Communications (founded in 1953), the Tashkent Electrical Engineering Institute of Communications (founded in 1955), the Kuibyshev Electrical Engineering Institute of Communications (founded in 1956), and the All-Union Correspondence Electrical Engineering Institute of Communications (founded in 1937 in Moscow). The Odessa institute has a branch in Kiev, and the Novosibirsk institute has a branch in Khaborovsk. Branches of the All-Union Correspondence Institute are in Minsk and Tbilisi.
The institutes have both daytime and correspondence divisions. In addition, the Leningrad and Odessa institutes have evening divisions, and the Leningrad, Moscow, and Tashkent institutes have preparatory divisions. Training is offered in the following specialties: radio communications and broadcasting, automatic electrical communications, multichannel electrical communications, radio engineering, the design and manufacture of radio equipment, communications machines and equipment, the organization of mechanized processing of economic information, and the economics and organization of communications. The period of study is five to six years. Graduate study is offered in the Moscow, Leningrad, and Odessa institutes and in the All-Union Correspondence Institute. The Moscow and Leningrad institutes are authorized to accept doctoral and candidate’s dissertations for defense, and the Odessa institute can accept candidate’s dissertations. (See alsoRADIO ENGINEERING EDUCATION.)