Chorioptic Mange
Chorioptic Mange
a scabies of animals marked by itching, the formation of thick crusts on the skin, and loss of hair. The disease, which occurs throughout the world, is caused by dermestid mites of the genus Chorioptes that are specific for each animal species. The life cycle of the insects is similar to that of mites of the genus Psoroptes.
In horses and cattle, the skin on the flexion surface of the pastern joints and at the base of the tail is attacked, while in sheep the skin of the head, extremities, and scrotum is involved. The diagnosis is based on symptoms revealed upon veterinary observation and the detection of mites in deep scrapings of skin from the affected parts of the body.
The disease can be controlled by treating the animals with antiscabietic preparations, bathing them in acaricidal solutions, and treating barns and grooming instruments with acaricides.