

单词 chorionic villus sampling

chorionic villus sampling

chorionic villus sampling

n. Abbr. CVS A prenatal test to detect birth defects that is performed at an early stage of pregnancy and involves retrieval and examination of tissue from the chorionic villi. Also called chorionic villus biopsy.

chorionic villus sampling

n (Gynaecology & Obstetrics) a method of diagnosing genetic disorders early in pregnancy by the removal by catheter through the cervix or abdomen of a tiny sample of tissue from the chorionic villi. Abbreviation: CVS

chorion′ic vil′lus sam`pling

n. a test for detecting birth defects in early pregnancy involving examination of cells obtained from the chorionic villus. Abbr.: CVS
Noun1.chorionic villus sampling - a prenatal test to detect birth defects at an early stage of pregnancy; tissue from the chorionic villi is assayedchorionic villus biopsybiopsy - examination of tissues or liquids from the living body to determine the existence or cause of a disease

chorionic villus sampling

chorionic villus sampling

(CVS) or

chorionic villus biopsy

(CVB) (kōr'ē-ŏn`ĭk, kôr'–), diagnostic procedure in which a sample of chorionic villi from the developing placenta is removed from the uterus of a pregnant woman (see pregnancypregnancy,
period of time between fertilization of the ovum (conception) and birth, during which mammals carry their developing young in the uterus (see embryo). The average duration of pregnancy in humans is about 280 days, equal to 9 calendar months.
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) using a fine needle inserted through the abdomen or a thin plastic catheter inserted into the vagina and through the cervix. Chorionic villi are fingerlike projections of a membrane (the chorion) that surrounds the fetus. The villi develop from the fertilized ovumovum
, in biology, specialized plant or animal sex cell, also called the egg, or egg cell. It is the female sex cell, or female gamete; the male gamete is the sperm. The study of the ovum is included in the science of embryology.
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, or egg, and have a genetic composition similar to that of the fetus. Cells in the sample are grown in the laboratory and studied to detect the presence in the fetus of such genetic birth defectsbirth defects,
abnormalities in physical or mental structure or function that are present at birth. They range from minor to seriously deforming or life-threatening. A major defect of some type occurs in approximately 3% of all births.
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 as Tay-Sachs diseaseTay-Sachs disease
, rare hereditary disease caused by a genetic mutation that leaves the body unable to produce an enzyme necessary for fat metabolism in nerve cells, producing central nervous system degeneration.
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 and Down syndromeDown syndrome,
congenital disorder characterized by mild to severe mental retardation, slow physical development, and characteristic physical features. Down syndrome affects about 1 in every 730 live births and occurs in all populations equally.
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. The sex of the child can also be ascertained. Although CVS tests for the same range of abnormalities as amniocentesisamniocentesis
, diagnostic procedure in which a sample of the amniotic fluid surrounding a fetus is removed from the uterus by means of a fine needle inserted through the abdomen of the pregnant woman (see pregnancy).
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, it is usually performed some weeks earlier (between the 8th and 12th weeks of pregnancy), and the results are available in a few days. It is recommended if the parents are carriers of certain genetic diseases, if there is a family history of genetic disorders, or if the woman is over age 35 (later pregnancies carrying with them a higher risk of chromosomal abnormality).

chorionic villus sampling

[¦kör·ē‚an·ik ′vil·əs ‚sam·pliŋ] (medicine) A technique in which samples of chorionic villi are taken from the placenta for the purpose of genetic testing; usually performed at the end of the second month of pregnancy.

chorionic villus sampling

Chorionic Villus Sampling



Chorionic villus sampling (CVS), also known as chorionic villus biopsy, is a prenatal test that can detect genetic and chromosomal abnormalities of an unborn baby.


Chorionic villus sampling is performed on pregnant women who are at risk for carrying a fetus with a genetic or chromosomal defect. Although it carries a slightly higher risk, CVS may be used in place of amniocentesis for women who have one or more of the following risk factors:
  • Women age 35 and older. The chance of having a child with Down syndrome increases with maternal age. For instance, the chance of having a baby with Down syndrome is one in 378 for a 35-year-old woman and increases to one in 30 for a 45-year-old woman.
  • A history of miscarriages or children born with birth defects.
  • A family history of genetic disease. Prenatal genetic testing is recommended if either the mother or father of the unborn baby has a family history of genetic disease or is known to be a carrier of a genetic disease.


Chorionic villus sampling is not recommended for women who have vaginal bleeding or spotting during the pregnancy. It is not typically recommended for women who have Rh sensitization from a previous pregnancy.


Chorionic villus sampling has been in use since the 1980s. This prenatal testing procedure involves taking a sample of the chorion frondosum—that part of the chorionic membrane containing the villi—for laboratory analysis. The chorionic membrane is the outer sac which surrounds the developing fetus. Chorionic villi are microscopic, finger-like projections that emerge from the chorionic membrane and eventually form the placenta. The cells that make up the chorionic villi are of fetal origin so laboratory analysis can identify any genetic, chromosomal, or biochemical diseases of the fetus.Chorionic villus sampling is best performed between 10 and 12 weeks of pregnancy. The procedure is performed either through the vagina and the cervix (transcervically) or through the abdomen (transabdominally) depending upon the preferences of the patient or the doctor. In some cases, the location of the placenta dictates which method the doctor uses. Both methods are equally safe and effective. Following the preparation time, both procedures take only about five minutes. Women undergoing chorionic villus sampling may experience no pain at all or feel cramping or pinching. Occasionally, a second sampling procedure must be performed if insufficient villus material was obtained.For the transcervical procedure, the woman lies on an examining table on her back with her feet in stirrups. The woman's vaginal area is thoroughly cleansed with an antiseptic, a sterile speculum is inserted into her vagina and opened, and the cervix is cleansed with an antiseptic. Using ultrasound (a device which uses sound waves to visualize internal Chorionic villus sampling is performed on pregnant women who are at risk for carrying a fetus with a genetic or chromosomal defect. This procedure can be performed through the vagina and the cervix (transcervically) or through the abdomen (transabdominally). In the transcervical procedure, as depicted above, the physician uses ultrasound to help guide a catheter through the cervix into the uterus. By applying suction from the syringe attached to the other end of the catheter, a small sample of the chorionic villi are obtained.Chorionic villus sampling is performed on pregnant women who are at risk for carrying a fetus with a genetic or chromosomal defect. This procedure can be performed through the vagina and the cervix (transcervically) or through the abdomen (transabdominally). In the transcervical procedure, as depicted above, the physician uses ultrasound to help guide a catheter through the cervix into the uterus. By applying suction from the syringe attached to the other end of the catheter, a small sample of the chorionic villi are obtained. (Illustration by Electronic Illustrators Group.)organs) as a guide, the doctor inserts a thin, plastic tube called a catheter through the cervix and into the uterus. The passage of the catheter through the cervix may cause cramping. The doctor carefully watches the image produced by the ultrasound and advances the catheter to the chorionic villi. By applying suction from the syringe attached to the other end of the catheter, a small sample of the chorionic villi are obtained. A cramping or pinching feeling may be felt as the sample is being taken. The catheter is then easily withdrawn.For the transabdominal method, the woman lies on her back on an examining table. Ultrasound enables the doctor to locate the placenta. The specific area on the woman's abdomen is cleansed thoroughly with an antiseptic and a local anesthetic may be injected to numb the area. With ultrasound guidance, a long needle is inserted through the woman's abdominal wall, through the uterine wall and to the chorionic villi. The sample is obtained by applying suction from the syringe.The chorionic villus sample is immediately placed into nutrient medium and sent to the laboratory. At the laboratory, the sample is examined under the microscope and any contaminating cells or material is carefully removed. The villi can be analyzed immediately, or incubated for a day or more to allow for cell division. The cells are stopped in the midst of cell division and spread onto a microscope slide. Cells with clearly separated chromosomes are photographed so that the type and number of chromosomes can be analyzed. Chromosomes are strings of DNA which have been tightly compressed. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes including the sex chromosomes. Rearrangements of the chromosomes or the presence of additional or fewer chromosomes can be identified by examination of the photograph. Down syndrome, for instance, is caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21. In addition to the chromosomal analysis, specialized tests can be performed as needed to look for specific diseases such as Tay-Sachs disease. Depending upon which tests are performed, results may be available as early as two days or up to eight days after the procedure.Chorionic villus sampling costs between $1,200 and $1,800. Insurance coverage for this test may vary.

Alternate procedures

There are alternate procedures for diagnosing genetic and chromosomal disorders of the fetus. Amniocentesis is commonly used and involves inserting a needle through the pregnant woman's abdomen to obtain a sample of amniotic fluid. Amniocentesis is usually performed in the second trimester at approximately 16 weeks gestation and the laboratory analysis may take two to three weeks. The two advantages of chorionic villus sampling are that it is performed during the first trimester and the results are available in about one week. However, as of 1997, amniocentesis is being performed in the first trimester, but this is still very rare. The risk of miscarriage after amniocentesis is 0.5-1% (one to two women out of 200) which is lower than that for chorionic villus sampling (1-3%).A noninvasive alternative is the maternal blood test called triple marker screening or multiple marker screening. A sample of the pregnant woman's blood is analyzed for three different markers: alphafetoprotein (AFP), human chorionic gonadotropin, and unconjugated estriol. The levels of these three markers in the mother's blood can identify unborn babies who are at risk for certain genetic or chromosomal defects. This is a screening test which determines the chance that the fetus has the defect, but it can not diagnose defects. A negative test result does not necessarily mean the unborn baby does not have a birth defect. For instance, this screening test can only predict 60-70% of the fetuses with Down syndrome. Pregnant women who have a positive triple marker screen are encouraged to undergo a diagnostic test, such as amniocentesis (by the time an AFP is done, it is too late to perform a CVS).


Prior to the chorionic villus sampling procedure the woman needs to drink fluids and refrain from urinating to ensure her bladder is full. These preparations create a better ultrasound picture.


It is generally recommended that women undergoing chorionic villus sampling have someone drive them home and have no plans for the rest of the day. Women with Rh negative blood must receive a Rho (D) immune globulin injection following the procedure. Women should call their doctor if they experience excessive bleeding, vaginal discharge, fever, or abdominal pain after the procedure.


Of women who undergo transcervical chorionic villus sampling, one third experience minimal vaginal spotting and 7-10% experience vaginal bleeding. One out of five women experience cramping following the procedure. Two to three women out of 100 (or 2-3%) will miscarry following chorionic villus sampling. The risk of infection is very low. Rupture of the amniotic membranes is a rare complication. Women with Rh negative blood may be at an increased risk for developing Rh incompatibility following chorionic villus sampling.

Key terms

Chorionic villi — Microscopic, finger-like projections that emerge from the outer sac which surrounds the developing baby. Chorionic villi are of fetal origin and eventually form the placenta.Chromosomes — Human cells carry DNA in tightly compressed rod-like structures called chromosomes. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes including the sex chromosomes.Down syndrome — A chromosomal disorder caused by an extra copy or a rearrangement of chromosome 21. Children with Down syndrome have varying degrees of mental retardation and may have heart defects.Fetus — Term for an unborn baby after the eighth week of pregnancy. Prior to seven weeks, it is called an embryo.Rh sensitization — A woman with a negative blood type (Rh negative) who has produced antibodies against her fetus with a positive blood type (Rh positive). The mother's body considered the fetal blood cells a foreign object and mounted an immune attack on it.Ultrasound — A safe, painless procedure which uses sound waves to visualize internal organs. A wand that transmits and receives the sound waves is moved over the woman's abdomen and internal organs can be seen on a video screen.There have been reports of limb defects in babies following chorionic villus sampling. However, in 1996 the World Health Organization reported that the incidence of babies born with limb defects from 138,966 women who had undergone chorionic villus sampling was the same as for women who had not. Therefore, this study found no connection between chorionic villus sampling and limb defects.

Normal results

No genetic, chromosomal, or biochemical abnormalities were found in the fetal cells. The gender of the fetus will be identified but will be made known to the parents only with their approval.

Abnormal results

Analysis of the cells from the chorionic villus enables the detection of over 200 diseases and disorders such as Down Syndrome, Tay-Sachs disease, and cystic fibrosis. Gross rearrangements of the chromosomes and chromosome additions or losses are detected.



March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation. 1275 Mamaroneck Ave., White Plains, NY 10605. (914) 428-7100. resourcecenter@modimes.org. http://www.modimes.org.


Family Internet Page. http://www.familyinternet.com.


 [sam´pling] the selection or making of a sample.the selection of a group of people, events, behaviors, or other elements that are representative of the population being studied in order to derive conclusions about the entire population from a limited number of observations.accidental sampling a type of sampling" >nonprobability sampling in which the population selected is easily accessible to the researcher; available subjects are simply entered into the study without any attempt at randomization. Called also convenience sampling.chorionic villus sampling (CVS) sampling of chorionic villi from the villous area of the chorion, a procedure used for prenatal diagnosis at nine to 12 weeks of gestation. A catheter is inserted either through the cervix or through the abdominal wall and fetal chorionic villus tissue for analysis is aspirated under ultrasonic guidance. This has been used for the prenatal diagnosis of fetal trisomies, hemoglobinopathies, and biochemical disorders. It allows first trimester diagnosis and direct chromosomal and biochemical analysis but does not screen for neural tube defects or certain other anomalies; some of those may be identified by maternal serum and amniotic fluid alpha-fetoprotein measurements.A diagram of the technique of transvaginal chorionic villus sampling. From Mueller and Young, 2001.cluster sampling a type of probability sampling in which the population is divided into groups on the basis of some shared characteristic (such as hospitals grouped by geographic region) and a random sample is drawn from each of these groups.convenience sampling accidental sampling.nonprobability sampling sampling in which not every element of the population has an opportunity of being selected for the sample; the sample is not representative of the population and generalizations cannot be made to the population.percutaneous umbilical blood sampling a procedure used to obtain fetal blood for examination; a sterile needle is inserted through the mother's abdomen and uterus, and guided to one of the umbilical veins via ultrasound. This procedure has begun to replace fetoscopy because it has a lower complication rate. Direct sampling of fetal blood provides more rapid test results than amniocentesis, and a more definitive diagnosis. It can be used to identify chromosomal abnormalities, detect a fetal infection, and assess fetal growth and development. Called also cordocentesis.Percutaneous umbilical cord sampling, also known as cordocentesis. The needle is advanced through the skin and into the uterus. Once the needle punctures the umbilical cord and one of the uterine veins, cord blood is aspirated by the syringe. From Malarkey and McMorrow, 2000.probability sampling sampling in which each element of a population has an opportunity of being selected for the sample; its purpose is to obtain a sample that is representative of the population and from which generalizations to the population can be made.purposive sampling a type of nonprobability sampling in which the researcher consciously selects specific elements or subjects for inclusion in a study in order to ensure that the elements will have certain characteristics relevant to the study.quota sampling a type of nonprobability sampling in which an accidental sample is adjusted to ensure that certain subgroups are not underrepresented; its purpose is to obtain a sample that is representative of the population to which the researcher wishes to make generalizations.random sampling probability sampling.stratified random sampling sampling in which the population is divided into several groups that are alike in certain ways and a random selection is made from each group.systematic sampling the selection of study objects conducted when an ordered list of all members of the population is available; subjects are chosen from the list at a given uniform interval from each other, using a starting point that is selected randomly.

cho·ri·on·ic vil·lus bi·op·sy

transcervical or transabdominal sampling of the chorionic villi for genetic analysis.

chorionic villus sampling

n. Abbr. CVS A prenatal test to detect birth defects that is performed at an early stage of pregnancy and involves retrieval and examination of tissue from the chorionic villi. Also called chorionic villus biopsy.

chorionic villus sampling

A method for early—1st trimester—diagnosis of foetal genetic defects and other diseases. Tissue is obtained at 8–12 weeks (vs 16th week for amniotic fluid analysis) from developing placenta by ultrasound-guided transabdominal or transcervical catheter aspiration biopsy; tissue obtained is from the chorion frondosum, the layer from which chorionic villi develop.
Diagnostic yield
CVB, 97.8% vs amniocentesis at 16 wks, 99.4%.
Risk of miscarriage

cho·ri·on·ic vil·lus sam·pling

(CVS) (kōr'ē-on'ik vil'ŭs samp'ling) A biopsy of the chorion frondosum through the abdominal wall or through the endocervical canal at 6-12 weeks' gestation to obtain fetal cells for diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities.

chorionic villus sampling

Removal, by way of a fine tube or needle, of a small part of the tissue in process of forming the PLACENTA. This has the same DNA as the embryo so allows gene analysis and may give very early warning of inherited disease. The chorionic villi can be sucked out through a fine flexible tube passed through the vagina and the neck of the womb (cervix) and guided to the site of the placenta under ultrasound scanning control. Sometimes the sample is taken by passing a needle through the abdominal wall. There is some evidence that this procedure is associated with a higher than average incidence of fetal abnormality.

chorionic villus sampling

Related to chorionic villus sampling: amniocentesis, nuchal translucency, percutaneous umbilical blood sampling
  • noun

Synonyms for chorionic villus sampling

noun a prenatal test to detect birth defects at an early stage of pregnancy


  • chorionic villus biopsy

Related Words

  • biopsy




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