chorion frondosum


 [kor´e-on] an extraembryonic fetal membrane, composed of trophoblast lined with mesoderm; it develops villi, becomes vascularized, and forms the fetal part of the placenta.chorion frondo´sum the placental part of the chorion; it is covered by villi.chorion lae´ve the nonvillous, membranous part of the chorion.

villous chorion

the part of the chorion where the villi persist and form the fetal part of the placenta. Synonym(s): bushy chorion, chorion frondosum, shaggy chorion

vil·lous chor·i·on

(vil'ŭs kōr'ē-on) That part of the chorion where the chorionic villi have persisted to form the fetal part of the placenta.
Synonym(s): bushy chorion, chorion frondosum.