chorea gravidarum


 [ko-re´ah] the ceaseless occurrence of rapid, jerky involuntary movements. adj., adj chore´ic.acute chorea Sydenham's chorea.chronic chorea Huntington's chorea.chorea gravida´rum sydenham's chorea in early pregnancy, with or without a previous history of rheumatic fever.hereditary chorea (Huntington's chorea) see huntington's chorea.Sydenham's chorea see sydenham's chorea.

cho·re·a grav·i·da'r·um

Sydenham chorea occurring during pregnancy.

chorea gravidarum

A form of Sydenham's chorea seen in some pregnant women, usually in those who have had chorea before, esp. in their first pregnancy. See: Sydenham's choreaSee also: chorea