Fort Kearny State Historical Park

Fort Kearny State Historical Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Nebraska
Location:6 miles southeast of Kearney.
Facilities:Interpretive center; camping and other facilities available at nearby Fort Kearny State Recreation Area (see separate entry).
Special Features:Built to protect Overland Trail travelers, Fort Kearney was astagecoach station, a Pony Express home station, a military depot tooutfit soldiers for Indian campaigns, and home of the Pawnee Scouts.The stockade, parade grounds, and blacksmith shop have been rebuilt,and exhibits in the interpretive center provide insights intoconditions and events during the time the American West was settled.
Address:1020 'V' Rd
Kearney, NE 68847

Size: 39 acres.

See other parks in Nebraska.