Antti Nikolaevich Timonen
Timonen, Antti Nikolaevich
Born Apr. 18 (May 1), 1915, in the village of Luusalma, in what is now Kalevala Raion, Karelian ASSR. Soviet Karelian writer who writes in Finnish. Member of the CPSU since 1942. Served in the Great Patriotic War (1941–45).
Timonen’s first collection of short stories, Airplane, was published in 1933. The novella From Karelia to the Carpathians (1948) and the collection of essays In Thunderstorms and in Sunlight (written in Russian; 1964) depict everyday life during the war. Timonen also wrote the novellas Illuminated Shores (1951) and In a Bay of Winds (1953) and the novel By Native Paths (1957), which is distinguished for its psychological narrative. His novels The White-winged Bird (1961) and My House Is Here (1966) are dedicated to friendship between nations. The play Do You Accept Me, Karelian Land? (written in Russian; 1969) and the novel We Are Karelians (1969) deal with the Civil War and Military Intervention (1918–20).
Timonen has been awarded the Order of Lenin, four other orders, and various medals.
Ocherk istorii sovetskoi literatury Karelii. Petrozavodsk, 1969.Pisateli Karelii: Spravochnik. Petrozavodsk, 1971.