

单词 facts




See Also: TRUTH

  1. A fact is like a sack which won’t stand up when it is empty —Luigi Pirandello

    In his play, Six Characters in Search of an Author, Pirandello expands upon the simile as follows: “In order that it may stand up, one has to put into it the reason and sentiment which have caused it to exist.”

  2. Facts apart from their relationships are like labels on empty bottles —Sven Halla
  3. Facts fled before her like frightened forest things —Oscar Wilde
  4. Statistics are like alienists, they will testify for either side —Fiorello H. La Guardia, Liberty Magazine, May, 1933
  5. Use facts … the way a carpenter uses nails —R. Wright Campbell
  6. Use statistics as a drunken man uses lamp posts, for support rather than illumination —Andrew Lang


FACTSFamilies to Amend California's Three Strikes
FACTSFlexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems
FACTSFamilies Acting for Community Traffic Safety
FACTSFederation of Australian Commercial Television Stations
FACTSFlexible Alternating Current Transmission System
FACTSForest Atmosphere Carbon Transfer and Storage
FACTSFederal Agencies Centralized Trial-Balance System
FACTSField Accomplishments and Compliance Tracking System (database; US FDA)
FACTSFlorida Association of Coordinated Transportation Systems (transportation disadvantaged)
FACTSFamily Assistance and Care through Technology Services (Indiana)
FACTSFood Anaphylactic Children Training and Support
FACTSFramework for Appropriate Care throughout Sheffield (UK)
FACTSFlorida's Academic Counseling and Tracking for Students (Florida Department of Education)
FACTSForeign Access Central Tracking System
FACTSFinancial and Air Clearance Transportation System
FACTSFast Automatic Cash Transfer System (FACTS Management Co.)
FACTSFamilies Against the Casino Threat in Singapore
FACTSFor A Clean Tonawanda Site
FACTSFirst Amendmist Church of True Science
FACTSFishing Activity and Catch Tracking System (software)
FACTSFacility for the Analysis and Comparison of Tsunami Simulations (NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory)
FACTSFlorida Agricultural Conference & Trade Show
FACTSFirst Atheist Church of True Science
FACTSFailure and Accidents Technical Information System (industrial accidents database)
FACTSFetal Alcohol Consultation & Training Services (Alaska)
FACTSFlorida Atlantic Coast Transport Study
FACTSFleet Automated Control Tracking System
FACTSFacilities Assets Catalog and Tracking System
FACTSFuture Administrators Cultural Training Seminar (New York University)
FACTSFMEA/CIL Tracking System
FACTSFasteners, Actuators, Connectors, Tools, Subsystems
FACTSFair and Consistent Treatment System (Sprint)
FACTSFunds and Cost Tracking System
FACTSFill and Cash Tracking System
FACTSFinancial Accounting & Cost Tracking System
FACTSFACSFAC Air Control and Tracking System
FACTSForeign Asset Control Tracking System
FACTSFront Access Cross-Connect Termination System (Telect)
FACTSFernald Analytical Computerized Tracking System
FACTSFinancial, Accounting and Claims Targeted Solutions




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