Bond Swamp National Wildlife Refuge

Bond Swamp National Wildlife Refuge

Parks Directory of the United States / National Wildlife RefugesAddress:c/o Piedmont NWR
718 Juliette Rd
Round Oak, GA 31038

Established: 1989.
Location:6 miles south of Macon, Georgia.
Facilities:Trails, visitor center.
Activities:Canoeing, hiking, fishing, hunting.
Special Features:Refuge is located adjacent to the Ocmulgee River and is part of the Ocmulgee Heritage Greenway.
Habitats: 6,500 acres of bottomland hardwoods and swamp forests.
Access: Daylight hours year round; shore fishing March 15-October 15.
Wild life: Bald eagles, wood ducks, migratory waterfowl, wading birds, songbirds, white-tailed deer, turkeys, black bears, and alligators.

See other parks in Georgia.