释义 |
dis·so·ci·ate D5295900 (dĭ-sō′sē-āt′, -shē-)v. dis·so·ci·at·ed, dis·so·ci·at·ing, dis·so·ci·ates v.tr.1. To remove from association; separate: "Marx never dissociated man from his social environment" (Sidney Hook).2. Chemistry To cause to undergo dissociation.v.intr.1. To cease associating; separate; part.2. Chemistry & Psychiatry To undergo dissociation. [Latin dissociāre, dissociāt- : dis-, dis- + sociāre, to unite (from socius, companion; see sekw- in Indo-European roots).]Translationssciolto [di organizzazione]separatoMedicalSeedissociate |