Acronym | Definition |
FAS➣Fetal Alcohol Syndrome |
FAS➣Foreign Agricultural Service |
FAS➣Financial Accounting Standards |
FAS➣Federation of American Scientists (est. 1945; Washington, DC) |
FAS➣Faculty of Arts and Sciences |
FAS➣Financial Accounting Services (various organizations) |
FAS➣Formative Assessment System (education) |
FAS➣Finance and Applied Statistics (various schools) |
FAS➣Free Alongside Ship (shipping) |
FAS➣For A Second |
FAS➣Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (German newspaper) |
FAS➣Failed Asylum Seeker (UK) |
FAS➣Farm Animal Sanctuary (various locations) |
FAS➣Fundação Amazonas Sustentável (Portuguese: Amazonas Sustainable Foundation) |
FAS➣Foreign Agriculture Service |
FAS➣Fondo Aree Sottoutilizzate (Italian: Underdeveloped Areas Fund) |
FAS➣Full Analysis Set (statistics) |
FAS➣Forskningsrådet för Arbetsliv och Socialvetenskap (Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research) |
FAS➣Fatty Acid Synthase |
FAS➣Federal Acquisition Service (GSA) |
FAS➣Falcon Aviation Services (United Arab Emirates) |
FAS➣Fille a Suivre (French women's fashion) |
FAS➣Field Application Specialist (various companies) |
FAS➣Flood Alleviation Scheme (UK) |
FAS➣Football Association of Singapore |
FAS➣Foot & Ankle Specialist (Sage journal) |
FAS➣Flash Action Script |
FAS➣Facility Associated Signaling |
FAS➣Feature Associated Signaling |
FAS➣Functional Areas |
FAS➣Forces Aériennes Stratégiques (French: Strategic Air Forces) |
FAS➣Federal Antimonopoly Service (Russia) |
FAS➣Fedora Account System |
FAS➣Financial Accounting Statement (various organizations) |
FAS➣Farnham Angling Society (est. 1906; UK) |
FAS➣Fire Alarm Service |
FAS➣Federated Authentication Services (computing) |
FAS➣Foreign Accent Syndrome |
FAS➣Fire Alarm System |
FAS➣Farm Advisory Services (EU) |
FAS➣Freely Associated States (Micronesia) |
FAS➣Future Airspace Strategy (UK Civil Aviation Authority) |
FAS➣Florida Anthropological Society |
FAS➣Fabric Attached Storage |
FAS➣Fassa Bortolo (Tour de France cycling sponsor) |
FAS➣Fixed Asset System |
FAS➣Faculty of Applied Science (various universities) |
FAS➣Frozen At Sea (commercial fishing) |
FAS➣Faculty of Astrological Studies (est. 1948; UK) |
FAS➣Financial Advisory Service |
FAS➣Federation of Atomic Scientists (now Federation of American Scientists) |
FAS➣Fine Arts Society (Indianapolis, IN) |
FAS➣First Aid Squad |
FAS➣Final Assembly Schedule |
FAS➣Firsts and Seconds (lumber/forest industry) |
FAS➣Fellow of the Anatomical Society (UK) |
FAS➣Frame Alignment Signal |
FAS➣Focus Adolescent Services (Salisbury, MD) |
FAS➣Foreign Affairs Symposium |
FAS➣Federazione Anarchica Siciliana (Italian: Sicilian Anarchist Federation) |
FAS➣Field Assistance Service (US Air Force) |
FAS➣Forms Automation System |
FAS➣Fast App Switching.(mobile technology) |
FAS➣Florida Astronomical Society |
FAS➣Federation of Astronomical Societies |
FAS➣Frequency Assignment Subcommittee |
FAS➣Fédération des Autonomes de Solidarité (French: Autonomous Solidarity Federation) |
FAS➣Fuels Automated System |
FAS➣Formation Active en Sciences (French: Active in Science Education) |
FAS➣Full Auto Shooting (cameras) |
FAS➣French Academy of Sciences |
FAS➣False Answer Supervision (telecommunications) |
FAS➣Famille Accueil Surdoués (French: Gifted Family Home) |
FAS➣Freight Assessment System (various organizations) |
FAS➣Fueling-At-Sea |
FAS➣Foreign Area Studies |
FAS➣Financial Analysis System |
FAS➣Farm-A-Syst |
FAS➣Facility Associated Signalling |
FAS➣Flow Admission Service |
FAS➣Field Artillery System |
FAS➣flywheel alternator starter |
FAS➣Fixed Assets from Sage (Sage Software; Herndon, VA) |
FAS➣Functional Area Services |
FAS➣Federal Aviation Service (Russia) |
FAS➣Family Arabian Stallion (Breyer mold) |
FAS➣Floor Amendment System (Texas) |
FAS➣Fire Alarm and Signal (cable) |
FAS➣Functional Address Symbol |
FAS➣Faible Activité Spécifique (French: low specific activity) |
FAS➣Flexible Access System |
FAS➣Foreign Affiliate Sales (economics) |
FAS➣Apoptosis Stimulating Fragment (programmed cell death) |
FAS➣Functional Area Supervisor (US Navy NTCSS) |
FAS➣Frequency Allocation Support |
FAS➣Fonds d'Aide Sociale (French: Social Welfare Fund) |
FAS➣Force Accounting System |
FAS➣Fresh Air Setup |
FAS➣Field Artillery Section |
FAS➣Freight Alongside Ship |
FAS➣Force Augmentation System (military aviation; helicopters) |
FAS➣Field Alert Status |
FAS➣Final Approach Surface |
FAS➣FOS Analysis Subsystem |
FAS➣Force Analysis Simulation |
FAS➣Fine Arts Seminar |
FAS➣Facility Analysis Session |
FAS➣Fund for Additional Services (Colorado) |
FAS➣Facilities and Administrative Support Division |
FAS➣Feature Analysis Services |
FAS➣Forensic Ammunition Service |
FAS➣Fellow of the Antiquarian Socity |
FAS➣Fleet Application Server (Navy) |
FAS➣Femmes Afriques Solidarité (French) |
FAS➣Formation Assembly Ship (US Army Air Force, World War II) |
FAS➣Flap Actuation System |
FAS➣Fleet Attack Submarine |
FAS➣Functional Architecture Study |
FAS➣Funny As Stuff (polite form) |
FAS➣Felony Action Squad (New Orleans Police Department) |
FAS➣Functional Area Sponsor |
FAS➣Future American Schools (Alexandria, Egypt) |