

单词 fas



abbr.1. fetal alcohol syndrome2. Foreign Agricultural Service3. free alongside ship




abbreviation for (Commerce) free alongside ship


1. fetal alcohol syndrome. 2. Foreign Agricultural Service.


or f.a.s.,

free alongside ship.
Noun1.FAS - a congenital medical condition in which body deformation occurs or facial development or mental ability is impaired because the mother drinks alcohol during pregnancyfetal alcohol syndromesyndrome - a pattern of symptoms indicative of some disease




see FèsFès
or Fez
, Arab. Fas, city (1994 pop. 772,028), N central Morocco. In a rich agricultural region, it is connected by rail to Casablanca, Tangier, and Algeria. The city is noted for its Muslim art and its handicraft industries.
..... Click the link for more information.
, Morocco.


(1)Frankenstein Cross Assemblers. A reconfigurable assemblerpackage, especially suited for 8-bit processors, consisting ofa base assembler module and a yacc parser, for eachmicroprocessor, to handle mnemonics and addressing.Second party parser modules available from many sites.

Base assembler and yacc parser modules by Mark Zenier. FTP:ftp.njit.edu/pub/msdos/frankasm/frankasm.zoo.


(2)FAS. A general purpose language sponsored by the Finnishgovernment in the 70's and 80's.



A receptor present in cells that binds with Fas ligand to induce apoptosis.
See also: Fas ligand.


abbr.1. fetal alcohol syndrome2. Foreign Agricultural Service3. free alongside ship


A gene on chromosome 10q24.1 that encodes a member of the TNF-receptor superfamily which is a receptor for TNFSF6/FASLG. FAS contains a so-called death domain, and plays a central role in regulating apoptosis. Ligand binding to FAS results in the formation of a death-inducing signalling complex, comprised of Fas-associated death domain protein (FADD), caspase 8 and caspase 10.
Molecular pathology
FAS has been implicated in the pathogenesis of cancer and immune diseases.


Fetal alcohol syndrome, see there.


Abbreviation for fetal alcohol syndrome.


(fas) A receptor present in cells that binds with Fas ligand to induce apoptosis.
See also: Fas ligand



Abbreviation for the Incoterm Free Alongside Ship.

Free Alongside Ship

In maritime, international commerce, an agreement between a buyer (importer) and a seller (exporter) in which the seller is responsible for the transportation and risk of the good until it is within reach of the ship's crane, at which point the buyer assumes responsibility for both. That is, the seller does not bear the expense or risk of actually loading the good onto the ship. The buyer is responsible for clearing the good through customs in both the home country and the country of delivery.


FASFetal Alcohol Syndrome
FASForeign Agricultural Service
FASFinancial Accounting Standards
FASFederation of American Scientists (est. 1945; Washington, DC)
FASFaculty of Arts and Sciences
FASFinancial Accounting Services (various organizations)
FASFormative Assessment System (education)
FASFinance and Applied Statistics (various schools)
FASFree Alongside Ship (shipping)
FASFor A Second
FASFrankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (German newspaper)
FASFailed Asylum Seeker (UK)
FASFarm Animal Sanctuary (various locations)
FASFundação Amazonas Sustentável (Portuguese: Amazonas Sustainable Foundation)
FASForeign Agriculture Service
FASFondo Aree Sottoutilizzate (Italian: Underdeveloped Areas Fund)
FASFull Analysis Set (statistics)
FASForskningsrådet för Arbetsliv och Socialvetenskap (Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research)
FASFatty Acid Synthase
FASFederal Acquisition Service (GSA)
FASFalcon Aviation Services (United Arab Emirates)
FASFille a Suivre (French women's fashion)
FASField Application Specialist (various companies)
FASFlood Alleviation Scheme (UK)
FASFootball Association of Singapore
FASFoot & Ankle Specialist (Sage journal)
FASFlash Action Script
FASFacility Associated Signaling
FASFeature Associated Signaling
FASFunctional Areas
FASForces Aériennes Stratégiques (French: Strategic Air Forces)
FASFederal Antimonopoly Service (Russia)
FASFedora Account System
FASFinancial Accounting Statement (various organizations)
FASFarnham Angling Society (est. 1906; UK)
FASFire Alarm Service
FASFederated Authentication Services (computing)
FASForeign Accent Syndrome
FASFire Alarm System
FASFarm Advisory Services (EU)
FASFreely Associated States (Micronesia)
FASFuture Airspace Strategy (UK Civil Aviation Authority)
FASFlorida Anthropological Society
FASFabric Attached Storage
FASFassa Bortolo (Tour de France cycling sponsor)
FASFixed Asset System
FASFaculty of Applied Science (various universities)
FASFrozen At Sea (commercial fishing)
FASFaculty of Astrological Studies (est. 1948; UK)
FASFinancial Advisory Service
FASFederation of Atomic Scientists (now Federation of American Scientists)
FASFine Arts Society (Indianapolis, IN)
FASFirst Aid Squad
FASFinal Assembly Schedule
FASFirsts and Seconds (lumber/forest industry)
FASFellow of the Anatomical Society (UK)
FASFrame Alignment Signal
FASFocus Adolescent Services (Salisbury, MD)
FASForeign Affairs Symposium
FASFederazione Anarchica Siciliana (Italian: Sicilian Anarchist Federation)
FASField Assistance Service (US Air Force)
FASForms Automation System
FASFast App Switching.(mobile technology)
FASFlorida Astronomical Society
FASFederation of Astronomical Societies
FASFrequency Assignment Subcommittee
FASFédération des Autonomes de Solidarité (French: Autonomous Solidarity Federation)
FASFuels Automated System
FASFormation Active en Sciences (French: Active in Science Education)
FASFull Auto Shooting (cameras)
FASFrench Academy of Sciences
FASFalse Answer Supervision (telecommunications)
FASFamille Accueil Surdoués (French: Gifted Family Home)
FASFreight Assessment System (various organizations)
FASForeign Area Studies
FASFinancial Analysis System
FASFacility Associated Signalling
FASFlow Admission Service
FASField Artillery System
FASflywheel alternator starter
FASFixed Assets from Sage (Sage Software; Herndon, VA)
FASFunctional Area Services
FASFederal Aviation Service (Russia)
FASFamily Arabian Stallion (Breyer mold)
FASFloor Amendment System (Texas)
FASFire Alarm and Signal (cable)
FASFunctional Address Symbol
FASFaible Activité Spécifique (French: low specific activity)
FASFlexible Access System
FASForeign Affiliate Sales (economics)
FASApoptosis Stimulating Fragment (programmed cell death)
FASFunctional Area Supervisor (US Navy NTCSS)
FASFrequency Allocation Support
FASFonds d'Aide Sociale (French: Social Welfare Fund)
FASForce Accounting System
FASFresh Air Setup
FASField Artillery Section
FASFreight Alongside Ship
FASForce Augmentation System (military aviation; helicopters)
FASField Alert Status
FASFinal Approach Surface
FASFOS Analysis Subsystem
FASForce Analysis Simulation
FASFine Arts Seminar
FASFacility Analysis Session
FASFund for Additional Services (Colorado)
FASFacilities and Administrative Support Division
FASFeature Analysis Services
FASForensic Ammunition Service
FASFellow of the Antiquarian Socity
FASFleet Application Server (Navy)
FASFemmes Afriques Solidarité (French)
FASFormation Assembly Ship (US Army Air Force, World War II)
FASFlap Actuation System
FASFleet Attack Submarine
FASFunctional Architecture Study
FASFunny As Stuff (polite form)
FASFelony Action Squad (New Orleans Police Department)
FASFunctional Area Sponsor
FASFuture American Schools (Alexandria, Egypt)


  • noun

Synonyms for FAS

noun a congenital medical condition in which body deformation occurs or facial development or mental ability is impaired because the mother drinks alcohol during pregnancy


  • fetal alcohol syndrome

Related Words

  • syndrome




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