Danilov, Nikolai
Danilov, Nikolai Aleksandrovich
Born Apr. 13 (25), 1867; died after 1931. Russian military figure and historian. General of the infantry (1914).
Danilov was born in Moscow into a noble family. He graduated from the Aleksandr Military School in 1886 and from the General Staff Academy in 1893. From 1901 he was a professor at the General Staff Academy. He took part in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904–05 as chief of the field staff office of the commander in chief. From 1911 he was chief of the office of the War Ministry. During World War I (1914–18) he was chief of supplies for the armies of the Southwestern Front (1914–15), corps commander (1916–17), and commander of the Second Army (1917). In February 1918 he voluntarily joined the Red Army; he was a military expert at the negotiation of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Danilov was a professor at the General Staff Academy (until 1921). an instructor at the Military Engineering Academy (until 1922). chief of the military communications section of the Leningrad Institute of Communications Engineers (1925–30), and simultaneously, senior director of the Military Technical Academy of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army (1928—31).
Istoricheskii ocherk razviliia voennogo upravleniia ν Rossii. St. Petersburg, 1902. (Compiler.)Rol’ pekhoty ν sovremennom boiu, 2nd ed. St. Petersburg. 1911.
Ekonomika i podgotovka k voine. Moscow-Leningrad. 1926.
Smeshannaia operatsiia ν Rizhskom zalive ν iune—avguste 1916 g. Leningrad, 1927.