alkali reserve


 [re-zerv´] 1. to hold back for future use.2. a supply beyond that ordinarily used, for use in an emergency.alkali reserve (alkaline reserve) see alkali reserve.cardiac reserve an increase in cardiac output related to an increase in heart rate or stroke volume to meet body requirements.

al·ka·li re·serve

the sum total of the basic ions (mainly bicarbonates) of the blood and other body fluids that, acting as buffers, maintain the normal pH of the blood.

al·ka·li re·serve

(al'kă-lī rē-zĕrv') The sum total of the basic ions (mainly bicarbonates) of the blood and other body fluids that, acting as buffers, maintain the normal pH of the blood.

al·ka·li re·serve

(al'kă-lī rē-zĕrv') The sum total of the basic ions (mainly bicarbonates) of the blood and other body fluids that, acting as buffers, maintain the normal pH of the blood.