Eastern Rumelia
Eastern Rumelia:
see RumeliaRumeliaor Roumelia
, region of S Bulgaria, between the Balkan and Rhodope mts. Historically, Rumelia denoted the Balkan possessions (particularly Thrace and Macedonia, and excluding Bosnia) of the Ottoman Empire.
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Rumelia, Eastern
(Bulgarian, Iztochna Rumeliia), an autonomous province, with Plovdiv as its principal city, which was included in the Ottoman Empire. Established on the territory of Southern Bulgaria by the decision of the Berlin Congress of 1878.
Eastern Rumelia was under the authority of the Turkish sultan, who with the agreement of the great powers appointed a governor-general for a term of five years (A. Bogoridi until 1884 and then G. Krustevich). The internal organization of Eastern Rumelia was determined by the Organic Statute, which was worked out by an international commission. As a result of a national liberation uprising on Sept. 6 (18), 1885, Eastern Rumelia was joined to the Principality of Bulgaria. At the beginning of February 1886, Turkey gave de facto recognition to the uniting of Bulgaria by ap-pointing the Bulgarian prince as governor-general of Eastern Rumelia.
Statut organique de la Roumélie Orientate. Pera [Istanbul], 1879.Madzharovu, M. Iztochna Rumeliia. Sofia, 1925.