

单词 acp



abbr. American College of Physicians


American College of Physicians.



(biochemistry) acyl carrier protein


Algebra of Communicating Processes


(Associate Computing Professional) The award for successful completion of an examination in computers offered by the ICCP. It is geared to newcomers in the computing field. For more information, visit www.iccp.org.



 American College of Physicians.


Abbreviation for acyl carrier protein; American College of Physicians.


abbr. American College of Physicians


Abbreviation for:
acid phosphatase
acyl carrier protein
acute cor pulmonale
adenocarcinoma of prostate
advanced care planning
alcoholic chronic pancreatitis
alternate complement pathway
American College of Pathologists
American College of Pharmacists
American College of Physicians
American College of Psychiatrists
antegrade cerebral perfusion
anterior cervical plate
anterior clinoid process
antiviral collection point (Medspeak-UK)
antrochoanal polyp
area contingency plan
Association for Clinical Pathologists (Medspeak-UK)
Asymptomatic Cardiac ischemia Pilot study
autoimmune chronic pancreatitis


American College of Physicians


Abbreviation for acyl carrier protein.
FinancialSeeAfrican, Caribbean, and Pacific Countries


ACPAdjacent Channel Power
ACPAviator Continuation Pay
ACPAutomatic/Autoloading Colt Pistol
ACPAtmospheric Chemistry and Physics
ACPAmerican College of Physicians
ACPAluminum Composite Panel
ACPAcyl-Carrier Protein
ACPAcceptance (Test) Procedure
ACPApplica Consumer Products (Florida)
ACPAdvance Care Planning (medicine)
ACPAdministration Control Panel
ACPAdmin Control Panel
ACPAutoridad del Canal de Panama (Panama Canal Authority)
ACPAutomatic Contribution Plan (various organizations)
ACPAfrique, Caraibes et Pacifique (French: Africa, Caribbean and Pacific)
ACPAdam Clayton Powell (American politician)
ACPAutomatic Colt Pistol
ACPAboriginal Canada Portal (Canada)
ACPAdvanced Clinical Practice (various schools)
ACPArts Council of Princeton (Princeton, NJ)
ACPAttorney-Client Privilege (legal ethics)
ACPAssistant Commissioner of Police
ACPAssociated Collegiate Press
ACPAir Charter Professionals (various locations)
ACPAssociation of Contingency Planners
ACPAlternative Certification Program (for educators)
ACPAnglican Cycle of Prayer
ACPAmerican College of Pediatricians
ACPAustralian Centre for Photography
ACPArizona Cycle Park (racing)
ACPAnna Club Plush (various locations)
ACPAncillary Control Processor
ACPAnalog Copy Protection
ACPActor Preview
ACPAtm Control Panel
ACPAlternate Color Picker
ACPAcquisition Card Program
ACPArea Control Procedural
ACPAltavista Cached Pages
ACPAdapter Configuration Profile
ACPAdaptive Chosen Plaintexts
ACPActive Client Pages
ACPArray Control Processor
ACPAdvanced Copy Protection
ACPAcoustic Coupler
ACPApplet Configuration Program
ACPAdobe Connect Professional
ACPAccess Point Control Protocol
ACPApple Certified Pro
ACPAdministrative Challenge Panels
ACPActive Identity Certified Professional
ACPAssisted Checkpoint
ACPAbnormal Condition Program
ACPAnsi Code Page
ACPAnimal Care Program (various schools)
ACPAddress Confidentiality Program (various locations)
ACPAdjustable Cheek Piece (weapons)
ACPAsphaltic Concrete Pavement
ACPAutomóvel Clube de Portugal (Portuguese: Automobile Club of Portugal)
ACPArctic Coastal Plain (ecoregion; Alaska)
ACPApple Certified Pro (computer certificiation)
ACPAssociation of Computer Professionals (UK)
ACPAmerican College of Prosthodontists
ACPActual Contribution Percentage
ACPAssociation of Child Psychotherapists (UK)
ACPAdvisory Committee on Pesticides (UK)
ACPAccess Control Point
ACPAlbany College of Pharmacy (Albany, New York, USA)
ACPAnalytical Cellular Pathology (journal)
ACPAnesthesia Care Provider (healthcare)
ACPAssociation de Copropriétaires (French: Association of Co-Owners)
ACPAudax Club Parisien (French cycling club; est. 1904)
ACPArea Contingency Plans
ACPApproche Centrée sur la Personne (French: Person-Centered Approach; psychology)
ACPAll Computer Products
ACPAlberta College of Pharmacists
ACPAerosol Collector and Pyrolyser
ACPAustralian Consolidated Press
ACPAcute Care Practitioner
ACPAdvanced Care Paramedic
ACPAssociation of Chess Professionals
ACPAssociation for Progressive Communications (various locations)
ACPAssociation of Canadian Publishers
ACPAccess Control Protocol (TMN)
ACPAllianz Capital Partners
ACPArmy Campaign Plan
ACPAnti-Corruption Program (various locations)
ACPAll-Campus Party (University of Wisconsin)
ACPAudio Control Panel
ACPAlliance for Climate Protection
ACPAcute Chest Pain (medical)
ACPAssociate Computing Professional
ACPAssociation of Computer Professionals
ACPAmerican College of Psychiatrists
ACPAsbestos Cement Pipe
ACPAction Point
ACPAfrican, Caribbean, & Pacific Countries
ACPAdvertising and Consumer Psychology (conference)
ACPAverage Collection Period (accounting)
ACPAlgebra of Communicating Processes
ACPAdditional Commissioner of Police
ACPAIDS Care Project (Boston, MA)
ACPAirborne Command Post
ACPAssociation of Coupon Professionals
ACPArmoured Command Post
ACPAmerican Centrifuge Project (uranium enrichment technology)
ACPAnalyse en Composante Principale
ACPAnisotropic Conductive Paste
ACPAIDS Control Program
ACPAccess Control Panel
ACPAccessory Conduction Pathway (cardiology)
ACPAmerican Cotton Producers
ACPAlberta College of Paramedics (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada)
ACPAdvanced Certified Paralegal
ACPAmericans for Computer Privacy
ACPAssociation of Clinical Pathologists
ACPAllied Communications Publication
ACPAtmospheric Chemistry Program
ACPAirline Control Program
ACPAssociation Canadienne des Physiciens et Physiciennes
ACPAft Control Panel
ACPAirspace Control Plan
ACPArchos Content Portal (software)
ACPArmy of Club Penguin
ACPAmerican Conservative Party (political group)
ACPAccelerated Certification Program (various schools)
ACPAviation Continuation Pay
ACPAncillary Control Program
ACPAmerican Chamber Players
ACPArmy Civilian Personnel
ACPAssault Command Post
ACPAmbulance Control Point (various organizations)
ACPAssociation for Child Psychoanalysis
ACPAcute Care Pavilion (various locations)
ACPAlternate Command Post
ACPAchieved Communication Performance (ARINC)
ACPAccelerated College Program (various schools)
ACPAgriculture Conservation Program
ACPAlternate Compliance Program
ACPAssociació Catalana de Professionals (Catalonia)
ACPAlpine Club of Pakistan (Rawalpindi, Pakistan)
ACPAssociation Canadienne des Paraplégiques (Canadian Paraplegic Association)
ACPAccion Comunitaria del Peru
ACPAlbanian Communist Party
ACPAuxiliary Control Process
ACPAssociation of Croatian Patients
ACPArea Command Post
ACPAir Control Point
ACPAtlanta Chamber Players (Georgia)
ACPApproved Capital Programme (UK)
ACPAdministrative Challenge Panel
ACPAsian, Caribbean and Pacific (nations)
ACPActive Configuration Profile
ACPAtomic Commitment Protocol
ACPAdjacent Channel Protection
ACPAuthorized Consulting Partner (various organizations)
ACPIT (Information Technology) Architect Certification Program (Open Group)
ACPAudio Conferencing Provider
ACPAir Campaign Plan
ACPAmmunition Control Point
ACPArmy Comptrollership Program
ACPArmy Cost Position
ACPAlpine Conservation Partnership (est. 2006)
ACPAssociation of Credit Professionals (also seen as AOCP; UK)
ACPAssociation Clermont Poker (French: Clermont Poker Association)
ACPApplied Communication Program
ACPAllied Communications Protocol
ACPAssociate Cruise Program (Cruise Line International Association)
ACPArise Capital Partners, Inc. (Japan)
ACPAdmiralty Civil Police (UK)
ACPAir Cadet Publication
ACPAuxiliary Control Panel
ACPAzimuth Change Pulse
ACPAir Carcinogen Policy
ACPAgriculture Control Program
ACPArmament Control Panel (USAF F-15 Eagle)
ACPArmament Control Panel
ACPAir Campaign Planning Tool
ACPArmy Colt Pistol
ACPair commander’s pointer
ACPAdvanced Communications Package
ACPArea Call Panel (aviation)
ACPAlberta Community Planner (Alberta, Canada)
ACPAdvanced Command Post
ACPAlternate Complement Pathway
ACPAsset Capitalization Program
ACPAssign Common Pool
ACPAssociation Canadienne des Pathologistes (Canadian Association of Pathologists)
ACPArtemisia contre Paludisme (French: Artemisia against Malaria)
ACPAirlift Command Post
ACPAcoustic Ceiling Panel
ACPAtlantic City Police (New Jersey)
ACPArts Council of Pakistan
ACPAutomatic Communications Processor
ACPAutomated Clearance Procedure (Pakistan customs)
ACPAgency Capital Plan
ACPAnimal Control Products Ltd. (Monroeville, NJ)
ACPAccelerated Change Process
ACPAcademic Challenge Program
ACPAffordable Composites for Propulsion
ACPAverage Case Performance
ACPAlliance for Cardiovascular Professionals
ACPAdvanced Common Processor
ACPAssociate of the College of Preceptors
ACPAutomotive Component Producer (Australia)
ACPAssociation belge des Conseillers en Planification (French)
ACPApproximate Coupled-Pair (correlation-energy calculation)
ACPAutomated Command Post
ACPArchive Control Process
ACPArmy Capabilities Plan
ACPAlternate Command Plan
ACPAnnual Compliance Plan
ACPAssociation of Coloproctologists
ACPAdaptive Communications Processor
ACPAlternating Current Polarography
ACPAccess Communications Processor
ACPAerial Check Point
ACPAbort Ceiling Protocol
ACPAdvanced Core Protocol
ACPAdvanced Control Processor (FLIR)
ACPAudio Converter Processor
ACPAverage CPU (Central Processing Unit) Power (computing)
ACPArmy Installation Access Control Points (US Army)
ACPAdministrative Command Post (military)
ACPApplication Certification Process
ACPAdult Cabaret Peformer (classification)
ACPAlarm Control Process (ITI)
ACPAcausal Connecting Principle (Jung)
ACPAqueous Carbonate Process
ACPAutomated Change Processing
ACPAdvanced Conventional Pressure
ACPAdvertising Copy Processor
ACPActivity Cost Pool
ACPAutomatic Correlation Partitioning
ACPApplied Computer Products, Incorporated
ACPAnodal Closing Picture
ACPArea Characterization Plan
ACPArea Coordination Paper
ACPAtaxic Cerebral Palsy, Autosomal Recessive
ACPAttack Center Panel
ACPAttendant Call Panel
ACPAllied Control Procedure(s)
ACPAUTODIN Conversion Processor
ACPAllowance Control Point
ACPAutomated Carrier Provisioning (Bellcore)
ACPAction Convergence Protocol
ACPAirspace Control Procedure(s)
ACPArms Control Proposal
ACPAcción Castellana Popular (Popular Castilian Action; Spanish Castilian Party)
ACPAlignment Control Panel
ACPAdvantage Care Plan (The Source Bell Electronics Inc.)
ACPAssociation of the College of Preceptors (UK)
ACPArmadyl Chest Plate (RuneScape item)




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