Daniel Webster Birthplace

Daniel Webster Birthplace

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / New Hampshire
Location:Off NH Route 127, 1 mile south of Franklin.
Facilities:Grounds are open to the public, but buildings are currently closed and unstaffed, and there are no facilities available.
Special Features:The two-room frame structure where Daniel Webster, one of the nation'smost distinguished statemen and orators, was born, provides a view notonly of Webster's early life, but also of life in the early years ofthe US. Restored in 1913, the home contains antique furnishings,utensils of the period (1782-1852), and Webster mementos.
Franklin, NH 03235

Web: www.nhstateparks.org/ParksPages/DanWebster/DanielWebster.html
Size: 147 acres.

See other parks in New Hampshire.