

单词 capsule



C0092800 (kăp′səl, -so͞ol)n.1. A small soluble container, usually made of gelatin, that encloses a dose of an oral medicine or a vitamin.2. Anatomy A fibrous, membranous, or fatty sheath that encloses an organ or part, such as the sac surrounding the kidney or the fibrous tissues that surround a joint.3. Microbiology A polysaccharide outer shell enveloping certain bacteria.4. Botany a. A dry dehiscent fruit that develops from two or more united carpels.b. The thin-walled, spore-containing structure of mosses and related plants.5. A space capsule.6. A brief summary; a condensation.adj.1. Highly condensed; very brief: a capsule description.2. Very small; compact.tr.v. cap·suled, cap·sul·ing, cap·sules 1. To enclose in or furnish with a capsule.2. To condense or summarize: capsuled the news.
[French, from Latin capsula, diminutive of capsa, box.]
cap′su·lar (-sə-lər, -syo͝o-) adj.


(ˈkæpsjuːl) n1. (Pharmacology) a soluble case of gelatine enclosing a dose of medicine2. (Brewing) a thin metal cap, seal, or cover, such as the foil covering the cork of a wine bottle3. (Botany) botany a. a dry fruit that liberates its seeds by splitting, as in the violet, or through pores, as in the poppyb. the spore-producing organ of mosses and liverworts4. (Microbiology) bacteriol a gelatinous layer of polysaccharide or protein surrounding the cell wall of some bacteria: thought to be responsible for the virulence in pathogens5. (Anatomy) anatomy a. a cartilaginous, fibrous, or membranous envelope surrounding any of certain organs or partsb. a broad band of white fibres (internal capsule) near the thalamus in each cerebral hemisphere6. (Astronautics) See space capsule7. (Aeronautics) an aeroplane cockpit that can be ejected in a flight emergency, complete with crew, instruments, etc8. (modifier) in a highly concise form: a capsule summary. 9. (Clothing & Fashion) (modifier) (in the fashion industry) consisting of a few important representative items: a capsule collection. [C17: from French, from Latin capsula, diminutive of capsa box]


(ˈkæp səl, -sul, -syul)

n., v. -suled, -sul•ing,
adj. n. 1. a gelatinous case enclosing a dose of medicine. 2. a. a membranous sac or integument of the body. b. either of two strata of white matter in the cerebrum. c. the sporangium of various spore-producing organisms, as ferns, mosses, algae, and fungi. 3. a dry dehiscent fruit, composed of two or more carpels. 4. a small case, envelope, or covering. 5. Also called space capsule. a sealed cabin, container, or vehicle in which a person or animal can ride in flight in space or at very high altitudes within the earth's atmosphere. 6. a similar cabin in a military aircraft, which can be ejected in an emergency. 7. a concise report; brief outline. v.t. 8. to furnish with or enclose in or as if in a capsule; encapsulate. 9. to capsulize. adj. 10. small and compact. 11. short and concise; briefly summarized: a capsule report. [1645–55; (< French) < Latin capsula=caps(a) box (see case2) + -ula -ule]


1. A sealed, pressurized cabin for extremely high altitude or space flight which provides an acceptable environment for man, animal, or equipment.
2. An ejectable sealed cabin having automatic devices for safe return of the occupants to the surface.
Noun1.capsule - a small containercapsule - a small container container - any object that can be used to hold things (especially a large metal boxlike object of standardized dimensions that can be loaded from one form of transport to another)paintball - a capsule filled with water-soluble dye used as a projectile in playing the game of paintball
2.capsule - a pill in the form of a small rounded gelatinous container with medicine insidelozenge, pill, tablet, tab - a dose of medicine in the form of a small pellet
3.capsule - a dry dehiscent seed vessel or the spore-containing structure of e.g. mossespericarp, seed vessel - the ripened and variously modified walls of a plant ovarybilocular capsule - a capsule divided into two cells or compartmentsboll - the rounded seed-bearing capsule of a cotton or flax plantsiliqua, silique - narrow elongated seed capsule peculiar to the family Cruciferaeperistome - (botany) fringe of toothlike appendages surrounding the mouth of a moss capsule
4.capsule - a shortened version of a written workcapsule - a shortened version of a written workabridgement, abridgment, condensationsummary, sum-up - a brief statement that presents the main points in a concise form; "he gave a summary of the conclusions"
5.capsule - a structure that encloses a body partanatomical structure, bodily structure, body structure, complex body part, structure - a particular complex anatomical part of a living thing; "he has good bone structure"malpighian body, malpighian corpuscle, renal corpuscle - the capsule that contains Bowman's capsule and a glomerulus at the expanded end of a nephroneyeball, orb - the ball-shaped capsule containing the vertebrate eyelens capsule - a tenuous mesoblastic membrane surrounding the lens of the eye
6.capsule - a spacecraft designed to transport people and support human life in outer spacecapsule - a spacecraft designed to transport people and support human life in outer spacespace capsuleballistic capsule, space vehicle, spacecraft - a craft capable of traveling in outer space; technically, a satellite around the sun
7.capsule - a pilot's seat in an airplane that can be forcibly ejected in the case of an emergencycapsule - a pilot's seat in an airplane that can be forcibly ejected in the case of an emergency; then the pilot descends by parachuteejection seat, ejector seatcockpit - compartment where the pilot sits while flying the aircraftseat - any support where you can sit (especially the part of a chair or bench etc. on which you sit); "he dusted off the seat before sitting down"
Verb1.capsule - enclose in a capsulecapsulate, capsulise, capsulizeenclose, enfold, envelop, enwrap, wrap - enclose or enfold completely with or as if with a covering; "Fog enveloped the house"
2.capsule - put in a short or concise form; reduce in volume; "capsulize the news"capsulise, capsulize, encapsulatecondense, concentrate, digest - make more concise; "condense the contents of a book into a summary"


noun1. pill, tablet, lozenge, bolus You can also take red ginseng in convenient capsule form.2. (Botany) pod, case, shell, vessel, sheath, receptacle, seed case, pericarp (Botany) Each flower is globular, with an egg-shaped capsule.


(ˈkӕpsjuːl) , ((American) -sl) noun1. a small gelatine case containing a dose of medicine etc. 膠囊 胶囊2. a closed metal container. a space capsule. 密閉艙 密闭舱,航天舱,太空舱





1. a soluble case of gelatine enclosing a dose of medicine 2. a thin metal cap, seal, or cover, such as the foil covering the cork of a wine bottle 3. Botanya. a dry fruit that liberates its seeds by splitting, as in the violet, or through pores, as in the poppy b. the spore-producing organ of mosses and liverworts 4. Anatomya. a cartilaginous, fibrous, or membranous envelope surrounding any of certain organs or parts b. a broad band of white fibres (internal capsule) near the thalamus in each cerebral hemisphere 5. an aeroplane cockpit that can be ejected in a flight emergency, complete with crew, instruments, etc.



in biology:

  1. In animals and man, the membrane surrounding various organs and their parts (for example, the kidney, liver, or joint capsules) and also pathological formations (parasites that have implanted themselves in tissue, necrotic masses, foreign bodies). A capsule is composed primarily of fibrous connective tissue and sometimes of adipose cellular tissue.
  2. The gelatinous layer around a cell characteristic of the capsulated bacteria, formed from macromolecular substances produced by these microorganisms[11–1083^]



(1) A dry dehiscent fruit with many seeds (sometimes with one seed), formed of two or several carpels. Capsules dehisce by means of a lid (plantain, henbane), tiny holes (poppy, bellflower), denticles on top of the capsule (primrose, pinks), or longitudinal splits (valves) along the septum (tobacco, hellebore) or along the valves (tulip, lily, hyacinth).

(2) The spore-bearing part of the sporangium of mosses. These capsules are either cylindrical or spherical.


[′kap·səl] (aerospace engineering) A small, sealed, pressurized cabin with an internal environment that will support human or animal life during extremely high-altitude flight, space flight, or escape. (engineering) A boxlike component or unit, often sealed. (anatomy) A membranous structure enclosing a body part or organ. (botany) A closed structure bearing seeds or spores; it is dehiscent at maturity. (microbiology) A thick, mucous envelope, composed of polypeptide or carbohydrate, surrounding certain microorganisms. (pharmacology) A soluble shell in which drugs are enclosed for oral administration.



 [kap´sul, kap´sūl] 1. an enclosing structure, as a soluble container enclosing a dose of medicine.2. a cartilaginous, fatty, fibrous, or membranous structure enveloping another structure, organ, or part. adj., adj cap´sular. Capsule. Generalized structure of a synovial joint showing the joint or articular capsule. From Applegate, 2000.articular capsule the saclike envelope that encloses the cavity of a synovial joint by attaching to the circumference of the articular end of each involved bone. Called also joint capsule.adipose renal capsule the investment of fat surrounding the capsule" >fibrous renal capsule, continuous at the hilus with the fat in the renal sinus.bacterial capsule a gelatinous envelope surrounding a bacterial cell, usually polysaccharide but sometimes polypeptide in nature; it is associated with the virulence of pathogenic bacteria.Bowman's capsule the globular dilatation forming the beginning of a tubule" >renal tubule and surrounding the glomerulus. Called also glomerular capsule and malpighian capsule.c's of the brain two layers of white matter in the substance of the brain; external capsule and internal capsule.external capsule the layer of white fibers between the putamen and claustrum.fibrous renal capsule the connective tissue investment of the kidney, which continues through the hilus to line the renal sinus.Glisson's capsule a sheath of connective tissue accompanying the hepatic ducts and vessels through the hepatic portal. In hepatitis it may become stretched, which is a common cause of pain.glomerular capsule Bowman's capsule.capsule of heart pericardium.internal capsule the fanlike mass of white fibers separating the lentiform nucleus laterally from the head of the caudate nucleus, the dorsal thalamus, and the tail of the caudate nucleus medially. The internal capsule carries both afferent and efferent fibers of the cerebral cortex.joint capsule articular capsule.capsule of lens the elastic sac enclosing the lens of the eye.malpighian capsule Bowman's capsule.capsule of pancreas a thin sheath of areolar tissue that invests the pancreas (but does not form a definite capsule), the septa of which extend into the gland and divide it into lobules.renal c's the investing tissue around the kidney, divided into the capsule" >fibrous renal capsule and the capsule" >adipose renal capsule.Tenon's capsule the connective tissue enveloping the posterior eyeball.

cap·sule (cap),

(kap'sūl), 1. A membranous anatomic structure, usually dense, irregular, collagenous connective tissue, which envelops an organ, a joint, or any other part resembling a capsule or envelope. Synonym(s): capsula [TA]2. A fibrous tissue layer enveloping an organ or a tumor, especially if benign. 3. A solid dosage form in which a drug is enclosed in a hard or soft soluble container or "shell" of a suitable form of gelatin. 4. A hyaline polysaccharide coating around a fungal or bacterial cell. Bacteria may also have a polypeptide capsule or a slime layer around the cell. [L. capsula, dim. of capsa, box]


(kăp′səl, -so͞ol)n.1. A small soluble container, usually made of gelatin, that encloses a dose of an oral medicine or a vitamin.2. Anatomy A fibrous, membranous, or fatty sheath that encloses an organ or part, such as the sac surrounding the kidney or the fibrous tissues that surround a joint.3. Microbiology A polysaccharide outer shell enveloping certain bacteria.4. Botany a. A dry dehiscent fruit that develops from two or more united carpels.b. The thin-walled, spore-containing structure of mosses and related plants.tr.v. cap·suled, cap·suling, cap·sules To enclose in or furnish with a capsule.
cap′su·lar (-sə-lər, -syo͝o-) adj.


(1) A fibromembranous covering of an organ (e.g., the kidney, liver).
(2) The fibrous covering of a joint.
Chinese medicine
Jaio niang—A gelatin sheath filled with finely ground powder, which allows the optimal delivery of pungent or bitter herbs.
Microcapsule—A thick, gel-like material composed of highly hydrophilic acidic polysaccharide, which covers the wall of gram-positive or gram-negative bacteria and imparts a smooth appearance to colonies in culture; the capsule is linked to bacterial pathogenicity, as it inhibits phagocytosis.
A thick fibrous material that ensheathes benign tumours, cysts or parasites that have been “walled off” as a host defence.
A solid dosage form of a drug, in which the drug is enclosed in a hard or soft soluble container or shell of an appropriate gelatin.


Pharmacology A solid dosage form of a drug in which the drug is enclosed in a hard or soft soluble container or shell of an appropriate gelatin. See Microcapsule.


(kap'sŭl) 1. Synonym(s): capsula. 2. A fibrous tissue layer enveloping an organ, joint, or a neoplasm. 3. A solid dosage form in which a drug is enclosed in either a hard or soft shell of soluble material. 4. A hyaline polysaccharide coating around a fungal or bacterial wall of a cell. Bacteria may also have a polypeptide capsule or slime layer around the cell. [L. capsula, dim. of capsa, box]


1. Any outer covering such as the tough, protective outer coat of solid organs including the kidneys, liver and spleen or the delicate outer membrane of the internal crystalline lens of the eye. Joints, too, have capsules which contribute to their stability and function. 2. Soluble gelatine containers for drugs in powder or liquid form.


a containing structure with a strong outer covering, found in many different groups, e.g.:
  1. the outer coat of some bacteria (referred to as encapsulated) which enhances resistance to the defences of the host (see TRANSFORMATION for genetic control).
  2. the sporangium of BRYOPHYTES (e.g. mosses) consisting of a hard outer layer inside which are developing spores.
  3. a type of fruit in ANGIOSPERMS that splits open when dry (DEHISCENT). Examples include poppy, willowherb, snapdragon.
  4. a spherical bony structure in some vertebrate skulls (e.g. the auditory capsule of dogfish).
  5. the blind-ending part of the kidney NEPHRON.


(kap'sŭl) 1. [TA] A membranous anatomic structure, usually dense, irregular, collagenous connective tissue, which envelops a body part.2. A fibrous tissue layer enveloping an organ or a tumor, especially if benign. 3. A solid dosage form in which a drug is enclosed in a hard or soft soluble container or "shell" of a suitable form of gelatin. [L. capsula, dim. of capsa, box]
See CESG Assisted Products Scheme


Related to capsule: capsule wardrobe, Capsule Endoscopy
  • all
  • noun
  • verb

Synonyms for capsule

noun pill


  • pill
  • tablet
  • lozenge
  • bolus

noun pod


  • pod
  • case
  • shell
  • vessel
  • sheath
  • receptacle
  • seed case
  • pericarp

Synonyms for capsule

noun a small container

Related Words

  • container
  • paintball

noun a pill in the form of a small rounded gelatinous container with medicine inside

Related Words

  • lozenge
  • pill
  • tablet
  • tab

noun a dry dehiscent seed vessel or the spore-containing structure of e

Related Words

  • pericarp
  • seed vessel
  • bilocular capsule
  • boll
  • siliqua
  • silique
  • peristome

noun a shortened version of a written work


  • abridgement
  • abridgment
  • condensation

Related Words

  • summary
  • sum-up

noun a structure that encloses a body part

Related Words

  • anatomical structure
  • bodily structure
  • body structure
  • complex body part
  • structure
  • malpighian body
  • malpighian corpuscle
  • renal corpuscle
  • eyeball
  • orb
  • lens capsule

noun a spacecraft designed to transport people and support human life in outer space


  • space capsule

Related Words

  • ballistic capsule
  • space vehicle
  • spacecraft

noun a pilot's seat in an airplane that can be forcibly ejected in the case of an emergency


  • ejection seat
  • ejector seat

Related Words

  • cockpit
  • seat

verb enclose in a capsule


  • capsulate
  • capsulise
  • capsulize

Related Words

  • enclose
  • enfold
  • envelop
  • enwrap
  • wrap

verb put in a short or concise form


  • capsulise
  • capsulize
  • encapsulate

Related Words

  • condense
  • concentrate
  • digest




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