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choledocholithotripsy cho·led·o·cho·lith·o·trip·sy (kō-led'ō-kō-lith'ō-trip-sē), Fragmentation of a gallstone in the common bile duct either by transcutaneous sonic energy or endoscopically directed laser. Synonym(s): choledocholithotrity [choledocho- + G. lithos, stone, + tripsis, rubbing] cho·led·o·cho·lith·o·trip·sy (kō'lĕ-dō-kō-lith'ō-trip-sē) Fragmentation of a gallstone in the common bile duct either by transcutaneous sonic energy or endoscopically directed laser. choledocholithotripsy (kō-lĕd′ō-kō-lĭth″ō-trĭp-sē) [″ + ″ + ″ + tripsis, a crushing] Crushing of a gallstone in the common bile duct. |