释义 |
choledoch- choledoch(o)- word element [Gr.], common bile duct.choledocho- , choledoch- (kō-led'ō-kō, kō'lē-dok), The ductus choledochus (the common bile duct). [G. cholēdochos, containing bile, fr. cholē, bile, + dechomai, to receive] choledocho- , choledoch-Combining forms meaning the ductus choledochus (the common bile duct). [G. cholēdochos, containing bile, fr. cholē, bile, + dechomai, to receive]choledocho-, choledoch- [Gr. cholēdochos, containing bile fr. cholē, bile + dechesthai, to receive] Prefixes meaning bile duct. |