

单词 caps


cap 1

C0080100 (kăp)n.1. A usually soft and close-fitting head covering, either having no brim or with a visor.2. a. A special head covering worn to indicate rank, occupation, or membership in a particular group: a cardinal's cap; a sailor's cap.b. An academic mortarboard. Used especially in the phrase cap and gown.3. a. A protective cover or seal, especially one that closes off an end or a tip: a bottle cap; a 35-millimeter lens cap.b. A crown for covering or sealing a tooth.c. A truck cap.d. A tread for a worn pneumatic tire.e. A fitted covering used to seal a well or large pipe.f. Chiefly Southern US See eye.4. A summit or top, as of a mountain.5. An upper limit; a ceiling: placed a cap on mortgage rates.6. Architecture The capital of a column.7. Botany a. The top part, or pileus, of a mushroom.b. A calyptra.8. a. A percussion cap.b. A small explosive charge enclosed in paper for use in a toy gun.9. Any of several sizes of writing paper, such as foolscap.10. Sports An appearance by a player in an international soccer game, traditionally rewarded with a hat.tr.v. capped, cap·ping, caps 1. To cover, protect, or seal with a cap.2. To award a special cap to as a sign of rank or achievement: capped the new women nurses at graduation.3. To lie over or on top of; cover: hills capped with snow.4. To apply the finishing touch to; complete: cap a meal with dessert.5. To follow with something better; surpass or outdo: capped his last trick with a disappearing act that brought the audience to its feet.6. To set an upper limit on: decided to cap cost-of-living increases.Idioms: cap in hand Humbly or submissively. set (one's) cap for To attempt to attract and win as a mate.
[Middle English cappe, from Old English cæppe, from Late Latin cappa.]

cap 2

C0080100 (kăp) Informal n. A capital letter.tr.v. capped, cap·ping, caps To capitalize.
[Shortened form of capital.]

cap 3

n. Informal 1. Capital: venture cap.2. Capitalization: market cap.


abbr.1. Civil Air Patrol2. combat air patrol


capital letters.




an 18th-century Swedish political party.

At the end of the 1730’s, the proponents of the peaceful foreign policy conducted by the government of A. Horn were contemptuously nicknamed Caps (“nightcaps”) by their political foes, the Hats. The leaders of the Caps came from the large landowning aristocracy and opposed the oncoming war with Russia. In 1742 and 1743 the party had a majority in the Riksdag, but it lost it in 1745 and dissolved in 1747. It was reformed early in the 1760’s, but the so-called Young Caps made up virtually a new party. Attracting the opposition elements of the gentry to its ranks, it advanced an essentially bourgeois democratic program calling for economies in the state budget, greater freedom of enterprise, limitations on the privileges of the elite and the big bourgeoisie, freedom of the press, and equal opportunity for all estates to hold high state posts. The ideas of the Enlightenment strongly affected the Caps. With the diplomatic and financial support of Russia, they came to power in 1765. Their government, which lasted until 1769, was oriented toward Russia in foreign policy; it introduced a law on freedom of the press in 1766 and passed a number of other laws fulfilling the party program. After being displaced in 1769 by the Hats, the Caps again won a majority in the Riksdag in 1772 and returned to power. However, the palace revolution of Gustavus III in August 1772 led to their demise.



Abbreviation for:
Coronary Arrhythmia Pilot Study 
cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence, see there
Coronary Arrhythmia Pilot Study. A trial which evaluated the effect of anti-arrhythmic therapy on survival in patients with nonsustained ventricular tachycardia and premature ventricular contractions.
The benefits were minimal with increased risk of late sudden death.


Cardiology A clinical trial–Coronary Arrhythmia Pilot Study which evaluated the effect of antiarrhythmic therapy on survival in Pts with nonsustained ventricular tachycardia and PVCs


Abbreviation for capsule Drug slang 1. Crack.2. Capsules, pills in general.3. Heroin, see there.4. Psilocybin/psilocin.


Consumers Advancing Patient Safety.



See: Convertible adjustable preferred stock


A preferred stock that pays a dividend tied to U.S. Treasury securities. CAPS are convertible to common stock at par value at any time, especially after profits are announced, but before dividends are paid. CAPS have the advantage of protecting the investor's principal while also allowing him/her to take advantage of upswings in the company's value.


See convertible adjustable preferred stock.


CAPSCapital (letters)
CAPS3-(cyclohexylamino)-1-Propanesulfonic Acid
CAPSCounseling and Psychological Services
CAPSCenter for AIDS Prevention Studies
CAPSCapabilities (Mozilla)
CAPSCanadian Association of Professional Speakers
CAPSCentre for Conflict and Peace Studies (Afghanistan)
CAPSComputer Animation Production System (films)
CAPSCorporate and Professional Services
CAPSCertified Aging-in-Place Specialist
CAPSConsultancy and Professional Services
CAPSCounseling and Psychiatric Services (various organizations)
CAPSCommunication and Performance Studies (Northern Michigan University)
CAPSCooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (various locations)
CAPSCognitive Affective Personality System (psychology)
CAPSClinician-Administered PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) Scale
CAPSCassini Plasma Spectrometer
CAPSComposite Application Platform Suite (software; Sun)
CAPSComputer Animation Production System
CAPSComposite Application Platform Suite
CAPSCasting Process Simulator
CAPSCapital Letters
CAPSCryopyrin-Associated Periodic Syndrome (rheumatology)
CAPSChildren of Aging Parents
CAPSChild Abuse Prevention Services (Roslyn, NY)
CAPSCirrus Airframe Parachute System
CAPSConsumers Advancing Patient Safety
CAPSCleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequence
CAPSCenter for Asian and Pacific Studies (University of Oregon)
CAPSCenter for Adult and Professional Studies (various schools)
CAPSChristian Association for Psychological Studies (Batavia, IL)
CAPSCenter for Advanced Power Systems
CAPSCenter for Advanced Purchasing Studies (Tempe, AZ)
CAPSCertified Apartment Property Supervisor
CAPSChicago's Alternative Policing Strategy
CAPSContext Awareness for Proactive Systems (workshop)
CAPSCenter for the Analysis and Prediction of Storms
CAPSCanadian Association for People Who Stutter
CAPSCombined Active and Passive Safety (automotive)
CAPSConsolidated Acquisition of Professional Services (US DoD contract)
CAPSCESG Assisted Products Scheme (UK)
CAPSComputer-Aided Prototyping System
CAPSClassic Amiga Preservation Society
CAPSCommunity Assisted Public Safety (Richmond, VA)
CAPSChinese American Physicians Society
CAPSCanadian Association of Paediatric Surgeons
CAPSCentralized Air Pressure System
CAPSComet/Asteroid Protection System
CAPSCentralized Account Processing System (USPS)
CAPSCenter for Academic Program Support (University of New Mexico)
CAPSConventional Armaments Planning System
CAPSComputerized Accounts Payable System
CAPSConnecticut Association of Personnel Services
CAPSCall Attempts Per Second
CAPSCommunity Access Partners of San Buenaventura (California)
CAPSCreation Association of Puget Sound (Washington state)
CAPSConsolidated Aerial Port System
CAPSCanadian Academy of Practical Shooting (firearms)
CAPSComputer-Assisted Picking System
CAPSCenter for Advanced Public Safety (University of Alabama; Tuscaloosa, AL)
CAPSComputer-Assisted Problem Solving
CAPSCounter Active Protection System
CAPSCentralized Account Payment System (USPS)
CAPSComputer-Assisted Publishing System
CAPSCatastrophic Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome
CAPSCummins Accumulator Pump System
CAPSCoastal Area Protection System
CAPSComputer Assistance Program (Spencer, OK)
CAPSCrew Altitude Protection Suit
CAPSClan and Player System (information and membership system used by online gaming teams)
CAPSCenter for Advanced Policy Studies
CAPSCoordinating Agents' Plans and Schedules (International Workshop)
CAPSComputer Aided Planning and Scheduling (software for supply chain network design)
CAPSComputer-Aided Publishing System
CAPSCommon Attitude Pointing System (NASA)
CAPSCommunity Action for Public Schools
CAPSComputer Aided Paperless System
CAPSCommercial Accounts Processing System
CAPSCombat Air Drop Planning Software
CAPSCorporate Accounts Processing System
CAPSCommunications/Aural Protective System (Gentex)
CAPSContingency Analysis Planning System
CAPSChildren's Academic Program for Summer (Louisiana State University at Alexandria)
CAPSCommanders Analysis and Planning Simulation
CAPSCommanders Analysis and Planning Simulation (US military ballistic missile defense)
CAPSComputer-Aided Provisioning System
CAPSCounty Automated Payment System
CAPSCrew Activity Planning System
CAPSCell Atmosphere Processing System
CAPSCorrective Action Problem System (NASA)
CAPSComputer-Aided Profiling System
CAPSCalifornia Association of Program Specialists
CAPSCommunity Assault Prevention Services
CAPSCarrier Availability Planning System
CAPSCustomer Accounting and Payment Strategy
CAPSClient, Adapter, Protocol, Service (computer network components)
CAPSCanadian Annual Procurement Strategy
CAPSComputer Assisted Program System (radio broadcasting)
CAPSCompugraphic Automated Publishing System
CAPSClinical Audit Patient Survey
CAPSChilliwack Addictions and Prevention Services (British Columbia, Canada)
CAPSContaminated Air Processing System
CAPSCode Abuse Prevention System (Sprint)
CAPSCommunity of Advanced Placement Scholars
CAPSComputer Associates Protection Suite (Microsoft)
CAPSCorporate Architecture & Performance Standards
CAPSCommander And Principal Staff
CAPSCost & Planning Status
CAPSCommand Action Planning System (US Navy)
CAPSCounter-proliferation Analysis Planning System
CAPSCivilian Automated Pay System
CAPSCondensed Accountability Process System
CAPSConfiguration-Management Analysis & Projection System
CAPSCommand Automated Procurement System
CAPSCentral Arkansas Paranormal Society
CAPSCoordinated Aircraft Positioning System
CAPSCrisis Assessment & Prevention Systems (Nashville, TN)
CAPSCenter for Advanced Phillipines Studies
CAPSCentralized Assignment Procedures System
CAPSCommand Automated Program/Information Systems (USMC)
CAPSClaims Automation and Procedures Specialists
CAPSClub Aurillacois Paintball Sportif (French: Aurillac Paintball Sports Club; Aurillac, France)
CAPSChild Advocacy Parenting Services Inc




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