CAPRCancer Prevention Research (American Association of Cancer Research journal)
CAPRColegio de Abogados de Puerto Rico (Spanish)
CAPRCitizens' Alliance for Property Rights (Enumclaw, WA)
CAPRCategorical Assistance Progress Reports (US FEMA)
CAPRCommunauté d'Agglomération du Pays Rochefortais (French: Agglomeration Community of Rochefort; Rochefort, France)
CAPRCanine Partners of the Rockies (Aurora, CO)
CAPRCivil Air Patrol Regulation
CAPRCapability Request
CAPRComputer Assisted Pipeline Review
CAPRCanadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators (Etobicoke, ON, Canada)
CAPRCapability Requirement
CAPRCost Accounting and Production Report
CAPRCost Account Performance Report
CAPRCamera Auditorilo Financiari din Romania (Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania)
CAPRContinuing Appointment with Periodic Review (clinical appointment in University Teaching)